Got a Number!

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Everyone had been listening to the soft hum of some Christmas jazz when you'd barrelled out of the elevator with a bunch of bags in your arms and a big grin on your face.

"Here we go" Stark mumbled into his 3rd cup of coffee for the morning. Everyone's attention turned to you as you set down your bags and bounced with excitement

"What's got you so happy this early Y/n?" Steve was the first to ask, you visibly lit up at him asking

"I was out shopping this morning and- Back. Off." You cut yourself off when you noticed Stark headed towards the pile of gifts you'd just gotten back from purchasing, the man put his hands up in surrender and retreated back behind the kitchen counter and away from your potential wrath. Everyone in the tower knew not to get on your bad side, especially when it came to holidays. 

"Anyway- this girl approached me and told me my outfit was super cute and then she asked for my number!" A loud clink drew everyone's attention to the sink where Wanda had harshly dropped something. You sent her a curious look but she just gave you a pained half-smile and started cleaning up her mess, Nat walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her waist, mumbling something into her ear.

The sight made you swoon and sting at the same time, which is exactly why you gave your number to the woman at the store. You really had to stop third-wheeling with your crushes, it was becoming unhealthy and frankly kind of sad.

The entire team seemed to look at you with wide eyes, as far as the team knew Wanda and Nat were actively pursuing you- some of them had even bet all three of you were already together and just hadn't told anyone. It was safe to say they were surprised that you'd given to your number to someone other than the local take-out shop.

"What? Why's everyone got that look on their faces?" You were confused at everyone's appalled faces, did they really not think you could pull anyone? Ouch.

"Come on Stark you were just telling me to get a girlfriend already!" Tony choked on his coffee as Nat sent him a harsh glare. In his defense, when he told you that he had meant to make them your girlfriends already.

"Anyway," You started gathering all your bags on your arms "see you all later" you sent the group a smile, and looked wearily over at Wanda who wouldn't catch your eyes.

"I'll be in my room wrapping presents so No. Peeking." the last two words were punctuated with a chilling smile that dropped the temperature in the room to at least 32 degrees.

After your news from the other morning Wanda and Nat were panicking, they thought you were beginning to feel what they felt. Had they been wrong about all the times you blushed around them? All the times you stuttered over your words when they started in your eyes for too long?

After some overthinking and lots of cuddles later they decided to invite you to decorate some cookies with them tonight, maybe they could pull some information out of you about how you felt about them. The two arrived at your room and were about to knock when you swung the door open. All three of you looked surprisingly at each other. You weren't expecting to see them and they weren't expecting to see you...dressed up.

"Oh! What brings you guys to my room at this time of night?" You began putting on the earrings you were going to put on in the elevator as you waited for an answer but all they could focus on was you.

You were dressed up in a beautiful forest green dress, your hair had been done up in a beautiful style and you had a small purse with you which meant you were definitely going somewhere.

"We were going to ask you to join us- are you going somewhere?" Wanda was the first to pull her eyes away from your red lipstick-clad lips.

You frowned at her words "Oh sorry guys, I've actually kinda got a date tonight" Nat's eyes went wide with surprise as Wanda choked, you looked at her concernedly.

"What?! With who?"

"The person from Christmas shopping" you mentioned nonchalantly, carefully watching their directions, maybe it was just your hopeful imagination but you could've sworn you saw jealousy in their eyes.

Your phone beeped letting you know you had to leave and you bid goodbye to both of them waving as you got in the elevator

"Maybe next time!" the elevator doors closed and both women looked at each other in shock.

A date?

Had they already lost you to someone else?

A Perfect Christmas- WandaNat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now