Fuyuki: The Burning City (Part One)

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(No one's POV)

The fighters and contestant were glued on the screen to see what's going to happen next. To Romani, this small walk down memory lane felt like home to him since he able to see them again. Ritsuka Fujimaru, his friend and final master of humanity, Mash Kyrielight, his adopted daughter and Demi-Servant to Ritsuka, Leonardo Da Vinci, his Caster Friend that loves to tell everyone that she's the greatest scientist in the Renaissance era. Truly, Romani was feeling nostalgic about this trip down memory lane.

The screen opened up to a blue sphere that's in the shape of the Earth with multiple metal rings surrounding it with multiple blue screens all over it. "The Sheba Lens has detected an abnormality!" A woman said in the background ground as the music swells up in a tense manner as the scene changes to a room with multiple people coordinating on different computers. "Coordinates confirmed!" One person spoke out. "Abnormal value rising!" Another spoke out as it pans to a white haired woman looking tense and worried while overseeing the staff.

"Oh my seems like the pressure is on for these lowly mortals

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"Oh my seems like the pressure is on for these lowly mortals." Zeus said as he looked at the screen though he was looking elsewhere rather than him focusing on the scenario that's happening. "Kekeke. These humans don't know how to handle a situation! They'll die before they'll even resolve it." Loki said as he continued to eat some of his chips from the bowl he had. "Pathetic humans." Poseidon could only say due to him not finding them remotely amusing. "I'm sure they'll figure it out!" Hercules said with a grin. "I am curious about what problem they're facing." Hermes said while looking very curious about the matter. "A few minutes in and they're gonna die!? Big sis Brunhilde!" Göll screamed out in complete worry while the others kept silent. "AMAZING! THAT TECHNOLOGY! THAT SPHERE! I MUST MAKE NOTES!" Tesla could only marvel at the tech on the screen while the other contestants could only give a confused look since they don't know what technology is meanwhile Beelzebub was secretly taking notes on what's on screen to further his research and make more gains in making more technological advancements in his own personal lab. 'This could be bad if they don't do anything about that abnormality.' Brunhilde thought to herself before she bit onto her nail to vent out her anger.

"Laplace is getting a read on the situation" Another spoke out in the room. "Hurry!" Another exclaimed to tell the others to make haste on the situation at hand. After the shot pans to the woman, she looked up to the globe with a worried look plastered onto her face. "The Light..." The woman said with a grim sense in her mind that things aren't going to end well before the scene changes again to get a better view of the room to show a man in a green suit and green top hat.

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