Part 1

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A/N Thank you guys for reading!
Disclaimer: politics and black market

  -Transformers: Fall of Cybertron-

I never expected that my home planet would be destroyed, I was made on Cybertron. I had the opportunity to meet people, learn from peers, there was no hate or violence and if there was it was rare. Cybertron was beautiful, it was perfect. Cities had tall skyscrapers made of metal, bright neon lights lighted the shops around. The people were different too, people from different galaxies and planets visited.

I had the opportunity to go to school before the war, science stuck with me most and that's what I wanted to pursue. During my education I met other great scientists, like preceptor! And brainstorm! Turns out my field of work fell into biology. Our only goal was to study and learn about different species, whether that's on Cybertron or a different planet.

I got my first job, I worked with a group of scientists at a sanctuary for exotic species that were illegally transported over galaxies. This was usually for the black markets. People bought them, kept them as pets or killed them for valuable resources. I helped research what species they were and how they lived. There were veterinarians, volunteers, and other workers.

It was getting close to election day, someone will be announced as the 13th prime. The primes are a council, they observe, advise, and lead the people of Cybertron. Everyone at work wouldn't shut up about it, I didn't pay attention to the election. But all I knew was that it wasn't the ideal outcome I expected...

  - 3 months later-

While working at the sanctuary, your boss walked up to you with a clipboard in hand. He looks at you sighing "Y/N, we need an exact list of what species we have. I want you to go and note every specimen, how many, and what their condition is." He held the clipboard out to you. "We have guests coming to pick them up, and are moving them to another planet. I fear Cybertron is no longer safe for them." I didn't really understand the last part but either way I took the clipboard and walked to the first species enclosure.

The first specimen was a deer-like creature. It had antlers growing vines and pink flowers around it, it had 6 legs and 4 eyes it was spotted with black and blue coat. "Hello there..." You said in a calm voice, you held out a treat for it to eat from your hand. It sniffed the treat, but before it could eat, it raised it's head running off to join with it's  others. It got spooked by an automatic door opening, you looked to see who it was and you saw your boss walking with another individual. A purple mech, he had one purple eye and an arm cannon, a hose was attached to his back connecting to his arm cannon. "Y/N, this is shockwave. He came early to see the specimens." The energy shockwave gave off was menacing, it made you uneasy especially if you couldn't read what he was thinking about.
This was not the ideal guy who you imagined would be relocating exotic animals.

"Welcome, my name is Y/N" you held out your hand expecting a handshake, you held out your left hand but realized his right arm was his cannon, shockwave was unimpressed saying nothing. You took notice and immediately put your hand down. "I- Uh...I'll show you what species we have" You and your boss escorted shockwave through the sanctuary. He was observing each one of them, he didn't ask any questions nor did he speak often. "This is a family of insects, a colony if you will. They all look different but that is because each one has a different role for the colony. There are the food gathers, the warriors, and the breeders." Your cheeks turned red but you smiled looking to shockwave. "These..." He spoke.

"I'm sorry?" You replied

"These will do, I only want these, the other specimens will be no use to me." He added. You looked confused, was this not the person who would take all the species and relocate them? You looked to your boss as he was just as confused.

"I have my own research, it also appears you know about these creatures, Y/N" you nodded slowly "I do...out of all the species I spent most of my time on the insects." shockwave looked to you, he stood silent looking at the insects then back to you "I have a proposition for you...Join me, you will be working along side other biologist, you will have your own room, you will be apart of the decepticon research facility."
His voice was persuasive, you thought and looked to your boss. He smiled and nodded "if you want to go then go"
I felt excited, curious what it was going to be like working with other biologists. You looked to shockwave and nodded smiling "when do I start?"


(Word count 850)

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