chapter 1

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"I'm so bored" Rimuru said as she floated upon the field of nothingness. "Hey ciel do you have anything that can keep me entertained?" <<you can always reincarnate master>> "wait really, I can do thag?" <<well of course master after all you are a deity>> "oh right I forgot haha" <<masterrr>> "well then ciel please reincarnate me" <<yes master>> <<notice...reincarnating the deity Rimuru tempest into the Carnival x world....success>> suddenly a light surrounded Rimuru and in the blink of an eye Rimuru was gone.


*in Carnival x world

"Wo,were am I and what happened to my voice." Rimuru said feeling a bit distress. <<right now you are in the Carnival x world and you are currently 1 and a half year old.>> "ah, I see......wait....ahhhhh ciel what happened I'm not a slime!" <<well of course not due to the reincarnation process your race has changed>> "I see, well can you tell me what else has changed" <<of course>>

Name: rimuru tempest

Age: 1

Race: dragoniod

Speed: Unlimited

Strength: unlimited

Stamina: unlimited

Magicules: unlimited

Durability: unlimited

Immunity: poison
                      Extreme temperature
                      Mental and physical attacks
Skills: chimera queen
            Eye of Wisdom
            Give & take 
             Communication of all
            Supreme Healer
            Imaginary space

Birthday: March 8th 2021

"Oh, so I'm a dragonoid like Milim?" <<yes master>> "oh OK, oh and ciel can you explain what my skills do I don't really know." <<of course master, the skill chimera queen is very similar to the skill predator, the only difference is that you summon ants called chimera to eat the monster for you to gain its skills. The chimera are like a normal ant community, the only obey there leaders and the queen which would be you, oh and another difference is that when the ants devour a monster they also get stronger and gain new skills of there own. The skill Copy is a skill that let's you Copy anything you see or glance at like blacksmithing and fighting techniques there are also cooking and so much more. The skill Shapeshift is a skill that let's you turn Into anything or anyone and you will be able to do the same thing they do but it only lasts for a certain amounts of time. The skill eye of Wisdom is a skill that let's you see the truth about someone, you can see if they are telling the truth or not, you can see there memories, you can see if they are a good person or not, you can see if that have a disease, and you can see if the cure for the disease. The skill give & take is a skill that allows you to give or take someone's skills that includes yourself but you have to have the magicules for that or else it will that a tole on your body. The skill lend allows you to Lend some of your skills to a subordinates. The skill communication of all is a skill that let's you speak all languages including animal. The skill Tamer allows you to make any monster your subordinates. The skill Supreme Healer is a skill that allows you to Healer any injury, disease, or poison in yours or someone else's body. And last but not least the skill imaginary space is a skill that let's you have a unlimited space and you can put anything in that space even things that are alive, the size or weight of the object or individual does not matter. And that is all your skills master>> "wo, a lot but I noticed most of them are not for fighting." <<Well yes I thought that it would make your stay here more enjoyable if you weren't that strong.>> "well you aren't wrong, anyway ciel can you manifest something for me to wear?" <<yes master>>

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