Chapter 7 and 8 - Inner Moka and Kokoa

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Spoiler Alert for those who have not read Blood And Breath. If you have not read Blood and Breath 2, you are all good.

If you have not read Strawberry Yandere, spoiler alert again.



Spoiler Alert (Yet again)

I'm happy to do this because this is the first time I am taking two story universes and putting them into one. In doing so, here is chapters 7 AND 8 because I was planning on doing Inner Moka and Kokoa.


- Dragon - Inner Moka's Boyfriend

- Silver - Kokoa's Boyfriend

The holiday season for vampires was rather a peculiar thing. Some were very warm about the holiday season. As some were rather cold. Cold as some of the personalities of the older generation. It was odd but in a good way for the Shuzen household. Lord Issa Shuzen had all four of his daughters at the castle along with some company. Every part of the day was due to be eventful. 

Moka was happy to have a Christmas at the castle. Kokoa was happy that she had her real sister back. And then Akasha. Relatively new to all of this, but happy to be around with everyone who in her mind was family. And then all three brought their boyfriends with them. With three extra men in the house Issa was going to be on his toes and Kahlua and Akua were going to ask the boyfriends a ton of questions. Never a dull moment. 

Akasha was looking out of one of the castle windows from her bedroom. Looking out to the morning sky and seeing Tsukune right behind comforting her. "Oh Tsukune."

"We're here Akasha. Finally. I think we always dreamt of this." Tsukune smiled.

"I know. So glad you're here and we're comfortable together." She smiled and kissed him.

"Glad you are adjusting well. I thought there was going to be an in between part for a few months and you were going to figure out what you wanted to do."

She shook her head. "I know its been tough for you too Tsukune."

"We both battled and we're here. The other girls knocked into good guys so that's okay. It just all happened. Wish they could join us but it happens." Tsukune took in the moment. Comforting Akasha until lunch was ready.

Moka and Dragon were on the top of the castle taking in the view and getting some fresh air. The temperature was perfect. Light jacket is all one needed. Moka took one her boyfriend's hoodies and left the zipper open. They sat down on a slanted part of the castle roof. Moka leaning back into Dragon's lap and torso. 

"Warm for some odd reason. Tonight though its supposed to snow." Said Moka.

"Really?" Dragon pondered. "I wonder how it's like flying in the snow. Just for the heck of it. You know what I mean?"

She giggled. "Safe travels. Snow means flight restrictions."

"Oh naturally. Just a thought. Speaking of, when it snows you are snowed in, correct?" He asked.

"Yes indeed. Snow means were are snowed in. Although you and Silver wouldn't have an issue if anything happened. Crazy right?" Moka pointed North. "To the tunnel and my uncle will meet you. Though I don't know if that would be a bus or something else."

"Think the bus driver would pull up in a truck with a big cigar in his mouth and there is only one seat?" Asked Dragon.

"He better put that thing out so it doesn't leave a scent on my clothes. So that's out." She complained.

Waifus Of Christmas (A Relly Wholesome Special)Where stories live. Discover now