Chapter 11

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Evening approached and Lan Wangji still lingered in the infirmary. It was true that Lan Xichen had told him to take the rest of the day off, but he had not specified where. Thus, Lan Wangji took his orders with some deliberation and remained to keep an eye on Wei Wuxian.

He could not be sure that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple appreciated his gesture though. He way laying in the bed, in the same position this whole time and Lan Wangji was somehow doubting that he was truly sleeping as he had been advised to.

True, his breathing was deep and regular and his body was relaxed. However, the slow exhales and inhales were perhaps a little too regular to be completely natural. And the biggest tell-tale sign of Wei Wuxian not resting peacefully was that Lan Wangji had not had any new visions this whole time. The Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was only pretending to be asleep. Why, Lan Wangji could only speculate, possibly because he really hated being in the same room with him and having to face him if he was awake?

In absence of any confirmation or rebuttal of this hypothesis, Lan Wangji made himself comfortable on his own bed and went back to meditating.

Or, pretending to be meditating. He was not succeeding in taming his racing thoughts, especially his double guessing if it would not be better if he left Wei Wuxian alone. Perhaps then, the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple would actually be able to get some decent sleep. There was only one problem with this course of action, his heart would not let him abandon the other.

They stayed like that until the time of the end of the lectures was upon them. Not even an incense stick later, he could hear hurried steps approaching from the outside. The door flew open without any care for whoever could be sick in the infirmary, and Jiang Wanyin swept inside like a hurricane. He did not even stop to see that Lan Wangji was there, if he had noticed his presence, he did not acknowledge it. Instead, he took a bee line to where his brother had been laying until now.

Lan Wangji's earlier suspicion must have been correct because Wei Wuxian sat on his bed, immediately alert and awake. It was possible that he could act like that normally, but if Jiang Wanyin's surprised expression had anything to say, it was not his usual waking up routine. And frankly, with what Lan Wangji had known about Wei Wuxian before his coming to the Cloud Recesses, he was almost certain that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple would not be one to get out of the bed easily.

At that exact moment, another lithe figure came in, much more quietly and slowly. It was Jiang Yanli. She at least noticed Lan Wangji sitting on one of the beds and bowed to him in greeting: "Second Young Master Lan, thank you for taking care of A-Xian. We heard what had happened from Zewu-Jun."

Minutely, Lan Wangji wondered what exactly Lan Xichen had told them. He personally had not explained anything to his brother, and neither had Wei Wuxian, unless he had done so while Lan Wangji had still been unconscious. No matter what the story behind was though, it did not look like it was all that important. As Jiang Yanli mentioned, the paramount part was that both Wei Wuxian and he himself were fine. Or, as fine as they could be.

Lan Wangji was just humming his reply and standing up to reciprocate Jiang Yanli's courtesy when Jiang Cheng exclaimed loudly: "Wei Wuxian! Quit always worrying Sister like this! What in the hell have you even been doing to finish in the infirmary? Were you not supposed to go copy the rules as punishment? Just wait what mother and father would have to say about this, you are bringing shame to the Yunmeng Jiang sect already. And it is only the first day we are here!"

Jiang Yanli saw that the conversation – if it could even be called a conversation with how one-sided it was – between her brothers was not progressing well. She shot an apologetic smile to Lan Wangji and hurried over to mediate between them: "Now, now, A-Cheng. You know that A-Xian had not been feeling too well lately. I am sure that he will get better with some good rest. We do not have to immediately alert mother and father."

"Hmpf," Jiang Wanyin did not seem quite convinced but he still stopped scolding Wei Wuxian.

He turned his head away in a clear message that he did not want to have anything in common with his brother. It was only then that he noticed Lan Wangji standing next to his own bed. His eyes widened in shock and he at least had enough decency to look ashamed of his outburst. Good, Lan Wangji though, he did not like the way the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir had been treating his brother.

Jiang Yanli sighed in what sounded like fond exasperation and she turned towards the older of her brothers. "A-Xian, how are you feeling?" she asked with worry.

Once again, Wei Wuxian's demeanour and behaviour changed drastically from one second to the other. His lips parted in a wide grin and he made a show of stretching his limbs lazily and yawning: "I am fine Shijie, I slept very well." Then, he grinned at his younger brother and playfully reached out to poke his side, assuming a chastised and apologetic look while still maintaining a mischievous glint in his eyes: "A-Cheng, do not be like this. I am sorry, alright? I have just been tired as Shijie said, I am all better now. I will not cause any more trouble, I promise."

"You better not," Jiang Cheng grumbled under his breath but seemed to have let the matter go for now. Though he was still scowling grumpily and unhappily. "What are you waiting for then, let us go back!" he snapped when Wei Wuxian did not seem like he was about to follow him any time soon.

That was it, Lan Wangji had had enough. Where did Jiang Wanyin think he was? This was the infirmary, a place of quiet and recovery, he was not allowed to shout and make a scene here. Yes, that was it, that must have been the reason why Lan Wangji was angry. Definitely not because he saw Wei Wuxian slightly twitch with the angry words and look ever more miserable than before. Definitely not because he wanted to help him and protect him from his brother's reproaches.

He calmly approached the trio of Yunmeng Jiang sect siblings. He had seen enough; Wei Wuxian was still not feeling well and he needed more rest. Evenly and calmly, he addressed the Yunmeng Jiang sect heir: "Jiang Wanyin, this is an infirmary, restrain yourself."

After a second of deliberation, he decided that it was better for the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple to stay here for the night and not have to deal with his brother at least for a short while. It saddened him greatly when he realized that he would also have to leave for the night, both because he was not truly sick and would not be allowed to stay in the infirmary for much longer and because the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple had not been sleeping in his presence.

"Wei Wuxian needs to stay here for the night. Leave now."

Jiang Wanyin looked like he was about to dispute but Jiang Yanli gently stopped any arguments: "A-Cheng, Second Young Master Lan is right. A-Xian is still recovering and he needs his rest. He should not go against the orders of the healers."

This at least seemed to have stopped any further arguments. Jiang Wanyin did not look happy in the slightest, his cheeks puffed out as if he was a small child throwing a tantrum, but he did not oppose any longer.

Wei Wuxian also chipped in and teased: "Do not worry Jiang Cheng, I will make sure to grace you with my presence the first thing tomorrow morning. Or..." He blinked several times and made a childish face, "could it be you are worried about me? Will you be missing me?"

"Who is worried, you idiot!" snapped Jiang Wanyin and as quickly as he had come into the infirmary, he stormed out like a raging winter blizzard.

Wei Wuxian laughed loudly and it was like music for Lan Wangji's ears. And oh, he wished that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple would never stop laughing like that.

Jiang Yanli sighed exasperatedly again but the smile playing on her lips was betraying her fondness for her brothers' antics. She bowed to Lan Wangji: "Second Young Master Lan, please excuse my brothers. A-Cheng is only worried because A-Xian had not been doing well for a while. I hope that he will get better in the care of the Gusu Lan sect healers."

She turned towards her brother and reminded him with pretended sternness: "A-Xian, do not cause any more trouble for Second Young Master Lan. Get to sleep early today and me and A-Cheng will see you tomorrow."

"Of course, Shijie," agreed Wei Wuxian easily and smiled at her reassuringly. Jiang Yanli smiled back and then she left. The Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's face fell.

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