Chapter 9

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After Lan Xichen and the healers left, insisting he took the rest of the day off just to be sure, Lan Wangji found himself all alone with the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple. Wei Wuxian was still knocked out by the medicine and all that could be heard were his deep and slow breaths. Sleeping like this, with his face as pale as the bed sheets, only disturbed by the deep bruises under his eyes, Lan Wangji thought he looked very sick.

He could still not get out of his mind the moment when Wei Wuxian had been so scared of him back in the courtyard in front of the lecture hall. He had no idea what could have triggered him like that. Sure, he had not been open or warm with Lan Wangji even before that but it had still been an over exaggeration. It was one thing not liking the other person and still treating them courteously – like Lan Wangji had been – and it was something else entirely to deny the other's help and try to run away from them.

He wondered what could have made Wei Wuxian behave in this way. He was so outgoing and friendly with everyone else. It was only when he was in Lan Wangji's proximity that he would reject him on every occasion. Or at least that was the impression Lan Wangji had gotten after observing the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's behaviour these past two days. It was an enigma. Wei Wuxian was an enigma.

Since pondering on the subject so much without being able to find any replies to his questions was making Lan Wangji's head hurt, he decided to rather meditate for a while. With his thoughts all over the place, it was no longer possible for him to properly concentrate on anything anymore. Moreover, what would Wei Wuxian do if he woke up and found Lan Wangji staring at him? That would be awkward.

Lan Wangji sat in lotus position and straightened his back. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. The slow inhales and exhales coming from the other bed were keeping just the right rhythm and he synchronised with them. It was a hard work and it took a unusually long time, but at last, he was able to clear his head and start meditating.

At least until a new series of confusing and terrifying feelings and images overtook his whole being.

Lan Wangji was skipping down the steps to the Cold Spring. His feet were light but his heart was heavy. He was scared of being back in the Cloud Recesses and even more of being imprisoned here. He knew he had to get away, and the sooner the better. He had successfully sneaked out from the Jingshi, now it was only the matter of few instants so he would be able to borrow someone's jade token and actually get out of this place bound by countless rules.

Lan Wangji's steps slowed down until they came to a sudden stop. He had hoped to find someone in the Cold Spring, preferably meditating and thus an easy victim of his 'borrowing'. He had however not expected that it would be Lan Wangji himself, or better a much older version of him. He felt his breath being stolen from his lungs, and not in a good sense. For that other older Lan Wangji's back was marred with countless deep scars. What could have the other Lan Wangji done so bad that he would be punished like this? For it was impossible for him to get hurt this badly otherwise.

The other Lan Wangji must have felt something because he stood up and turned around. A new wave of shock shook Lan Wangji's very being. There was an ugly looking scar also on the other's chest. It was a Qishan Wen sect emblem which had been, from the looks of it, put as brand on his person. Lan Wangji felt tears stinging in his eyes for no reason at all.

Suddenly, he was woken up from his meditative – or dream-like? – state by Wei Wuxian sitting up and screaming on top of his lungs: "No, no, no..." Then, he hunched into himself and hid his face in his palms. He sounded utterly broken: "Lan Zhan... no... sorry... my fault..."

Lan Wangji could only hear a few whispered words, but those were already enough to convince him that the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple had in fact just had a nightmare. About him if Wei Wuxian calling him 'Lan Zhan' had anything to say about that.

Moreover, something was telling him, that he had seen it too. He could of course not be sure, unless he would be insensitive and impolite enough to actually ask the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple in person. However, one fact was undeniable: his own chest was still hurting terribly from the turmoil of emotions he had experienced during that vision.

Once again, he was getting more and more suspicious that he was, in whichever way it was possible, getting to share Wei Wuxian's dreams. One thing was clear now; he only saw visions when the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple was either asleep or unconscious. The implications of this discovery were deep and Lan Wangji was definitely not about to ponder on them right now.

He quickly stood up and closed the distance between himself and the bed where the very distressed Wei Wuxian was hunched into himself. He could not watch this. True enough, he did not have experience in soothing people, that was more of his older brother's area of expertise, he still wanted to somehow help Wei Wuxian though. There was an inexplicable urge in his chest and it was impossible for him to resist. He simply did not like to see the other broken like this. It did not fit with his usual persona, the one from all the rumours and his past experiences.

"Wei Wuxian?" he called as gently and warmly as he could manage. Which was to say not all that much, he lacked practice after all.

Still, he did his best and it worked. Though differently than he had anticipated.

Wei Wuxian's whole body froze for a fraction of a second. He slowly lifted his head and looked around while blinking several times. He took in the room he was in and then Lan Wangji. Whatever emotions had been in his eyes vanished as if by magic and his expression turned icy and unapproachable. Even his voice was detached, only shy of cold, when he spoke:

"Second Young Master Lan, what are you doing here?"

Lan Wangji could only silently wonder what was going through the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple's mind. One second, he had been clearly distressed and calling him by his birth name. And the next moment, he was all polite and detached as if he had never seen Lan Wangji before. Or perhaps more like he had seen him but had decided that it would be better to keep his distance and be on high alert around him. Wei Wuxian was confusing Lan Wangji greatly.

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