And it all comes Crumbling Down

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The blackish-Purpleish color from Grian's fingers finally started to dissapere since he opened the rift. He was thankful for that, since he thought he was sick. Or somebody was pranking him with crying obsidian. Mumbo hadn't been on the server for a long time now, he was worried for his friend, and hoped he would come back.

His 'dreams' started again, this time they were different. They were like the other 2, yes. But this time he was connected to Scar, they were soulmates, whatever that meant. Grian had already experienced these dreams with Scar, he was hoping it would be somebody else. The watchers made it this way for their own reasons. Scar had kept Grian more calm the last time. So why wouldn't it work again? One and Two didn't want to admit it, but they were scared of the winged hermit.

Grian felt more upset last time during the second round of 'dreams' accrossed the players.  When he would see Scar, it was hard.  He could remember killing him last time, with his fists.  But why does that bother him?  They jokingly killed each other in HermitCraft a ton of times.  Why was that time any different?
(For anyone who is confused he feels guilt since in the life series their lives are limited.  Also in HermitCraft and such when they die, they get teleported to their bed [or spawn] and re-awaken after a few hours)

Grian's wings never worked, or looked proper in theese dreams. They were still the red, yellow, blue, colors. But they were different. He couldn't fly around in this world. He had tried before, it wouldn't work. In the dreams they were also small. Maybe that was why he couldn't fly, but he wasn't sure.

Grian remembered the watchers things of the last season of HermitCraft, but they weren't crystal clear. That was caused after the watchers erased his memory.

In this version of the dreams Scott won. Scott, Scott, why was that name familiar? I mean he had been in the other dreams too, but they hadn't ever met anywhere else, right? Wait! He had met him before. In the monthly 'dreams' called MCC right? He could hear Scar mentioning it other times too. Scott was a powerful person in those dreams right? He thought so. In reality Scott knew he wasn't just dreaming. He knew he was somehow in control of the MCC server, unsure why, or how he came accrossed this power though.

Later on in season 9 of HermitCraft Grian found a button in his cave. It said start? He thought that Grumbot probably put it there. But no, he hadn't. It was the one's watching. Maybe if he used all of his (Grian's) magic that it would go away forever. Or so they hoped. Grian, not being able to contain himself around buttons, pressed it.

'Grumbot' (actually the watchers) gave him compasses to the rift. He passed it out to the hermits. They met at night. And all went through. There was a few that didn't make it through that night, but eventually caught up.

The Hermits appeared on Empires. But what was Empires? They met 'new' friends. Most Grian had known from the dreams. There was a small Toy Sherif (Solidarity), a Witch (Shubble), a God (SmallishBeans), a Goblin (FWhip), a Pirate (JoeyGraceffa), a Princess (Katherin), a Cat (LDShadowLady), an Architect (PixelRiffs), the Leader of Sanctuary (Mythical Sausage), an Adventurer (OrionSound). But then a few others, that he had known well Gem, and False, 2 hermits. He wanted to ask them a few questions about this strange place. But Scott was here too. In this world he was a colorful man who sold dyes. Not the winner of the game with soulmates (Double Life), or controler, or god as Scott likes to think of himself, of MCC.

Grian appeared here with the others.  They started a big tower in the center of the server.  They called it Hermit-Topia.  The hermits were a different race.  All shorter than the Empires guys.   Thankfully all of them spoke common.  Mythical Sausage did confuse them a few time with 'spanish' but other than that there wasn't a big deal with the language.  Scar didn't stay with Hermit-Topia necesarilly.  But he contributed, once and awhile.

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