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Octavius's pov.


"Yes?" I replied as the door to my office opened and in walked my partner Nicholas, whom I started this company with a few years back.

"Douglas got shot" he said stealing mints off my desk
"By the drunk client"

"Proof?" I asked because as their bosses, our employees safety is our top priority.

"Who do you think I am?" he said with a stupid smirk making me roll my eyes

"Then why are you here telling me cause I'm not taking the case" I said

"Aaah come on!" he whined.
"I got a hot date with some rich man's daughter"

"Since when do you date?" I asked with my eyes still locked on the screen

"Since I found out her mother is having an affair" he said making me look up at him confused
"She's having an affair with me. 'Milf mom fucks her daughters boyfriend while she's asleep'... wouldn't that make a great title for a porn video?"

"Sometimes you're just... arg" I said with a sigh before packing up my shit, which was basically my laptop and a few papers

"Don't leave me here to work" he said but made no attempt to stand from the couch

"I still don't know why we're friends" I said walking out my office and walked toward the elevator

"Because you love me and no one else can handle your bullshit!" Nicholas shouted as the elevator doors closed making me chuckle.

The drive back to the apartment I shared with my best friend was an unnecessary long one. Traffic was horrible and knowing that idiot, he probably hadn't made any move to order food cause his ass can't cook, I mean I can't cook but we aren't taking about me right now. I ordered pizza from our favorite restaurant when I was 30 minutes from the house and told Marcellus to get our drinks ready.

"Well hello to you too" Marcellus said from the couch I just passed by. I turned around to face him only to be met with his bare chest and his sweats hanging dangerously low on his hips showing his beautiful v-line

"Pizza should be here in a few" I said then turned and walked away. I heard him yelling out my name but I pretended not to hear him. Just the sight of him had my dick coming to life, if I stopped to listen to whatever he had to say, he would have seen it, and I don't feel like suffering through the embarrassment of being caught. This isn't the first time its happened though, and if it wasn't for the fact that he liked sitting in the dark at night, I would have been caught a very long time ago.

I've known Marcellus since we were in fourth grade when I got transferred to a different school since the orphanage couldn't afford to send us to more expensive schools. I was always quiet as a kid, and I still am, but he befriended me when he saw me sitting in the corner by myself watching everyone socialize with one another. When I asked him why he wanted to be my friend, he said that his father once told him that no one in this world is born to be alone.

I took a much needed shower before putting on sweat shorts and re-entered the living room.

"I can't believe you ignored the most important person in your life" he said with his deep voice that made my dick twitch.

"I wasn't ignoring you, I just needed a shower" I said making him scoff and I know he rolled his eyes. I was about to sit down when our doorbell went off
"Just our drinks please"

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