Chapter 4

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"I'm really sorry David but this will be your last day of work..."


"This...*sigh*... It looks like you offend someone indirectly..."

"What now...?"

"I don't know... The person wants to say this to you " you should know your place"... Honestly, I don't want to fire you David but, that person threatening me...."

I raise my hand blocking his face in my sight.

"It's fine owner, I know what will happen to you if you did not obey that person."

"Thank you and I'm sorry..."

"... So... About my salary..."

"Don't worry, I will give it to you, including your thirteenth month's pay... This is the only thing I could think of for everything you've done..."

"Really... Thanks, old man."

"No, no. I should be the one that must say thank you, really if it is not for you, my restaurant will be nothing..."

"Okay, fine, but are you sure about my 13th month's pay?"

"Yeah, honestly, I want to even put another 10k G..."

"Stop, do you want to get bankrupt?"

"Hahaha, that is fine, I have enough money.'

" hahaha... Now I don't know where to work..."

"Really sorry..."

"Old man don't say sorry."

After parting with the old man and my last day at the restaurant, I walk dazedly not knowing what to do.

The person who wants me to be fired would be that person...

That would be the cannon powder who has a thing for the fourth heroine.

The fourth heroine is none other than Natasha Crestfallen.

And the person who is head over heels for her is George Crumbelind


It was around 11:30 am, and nowhere else to go, I stay in the park blankly staring at the place.


Despite my being calm about the situation, I have nowhere else to go, I can walk home but I don't want it yet.

If it was that person, then he already plotted me not getting accepted into any restaurant or any companies that I have the confidence to get accepted into.

That's kind of a person he was anyway.

If so, those people who got flirted with miss Natasha... Did they also get the same situation as me?

If so, that would be fucked up.

"We are just a fucking innocent bystander who got flirted with by a fucking person who acts like a hoe because she has no other choice..."

Although I want to beat the guy, I would end up beaten up instead.

That dude has a superpower, where he can breathe fire.


This is the first time I want to see that sleepy magician...

I look at the sky, and I see the leaves of a tree, swaying left and right due to the changing of the wind.

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