bambi on ice [ ❥ ]

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"I don't know about this, babe." Alexis tells you nervously, her voice just barely reaching your ears what with the din of the ice rink behind you and the people all around.

"Well, it's a little late for that now!" You tell her from where you're knelt on the floor in front of her, tying up the laces on her skates.

Once you're done, you take a seat on the bench next to her and bump her shoulder with yours in a joking manner. "Come on, we'll be fine. Just follow my lead, yeah?"

She doesn't look entirely convinced, but acquiesces and takes your offered hand. Wobbling on unsteady legs, she lets you guide her to the opening of the rink and with a silent prayer she follows your example and steps onto the ice after you.

Almost immediately, her legs go from underneath her and she slips. Only for your grip on her waist, she would've gone flying- and it shows on her face as she clambers into your hold to stay upright.

"Steady now, Bambi." You tell her through a smile that she begrudgingly returns. Looping an arm around her waist, you wait until she's ready and then begin to move exceedingly slowly across the ice.

It takes her a second to get in the groove of it. After a bit, she stops clinging to you but still keeps a tight hold of your hand as she cautiously moves of her own accord across the ice. A huge smile takes over her face and she squeezes your hand tightly as she grows brave enough to start skating ahead of you, beaming back at you all the while.

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