Ch. 6

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20 years later
• • •
Jess's POV
I wanted to call her, I wanted to talk to her. When we first saw each other...something inside me felt...different. We felt different. Maybe we were friends back then but maybe now...maybe there's something special now.

Finally, since I'm a man, I texted her.

From: Me

No reply for five straight minutes.


From: Piper

From: Me
How are you?

From: Piper
I'm ok, you?

From: Me
I'm fine. I just...this might come off too strong but...I kinda just wanted to talk to someone

From: Piper
I get that and no it didn't come off too strong

From: Me
Ok cool

From: Piper
Hey so I have the day off tomorrow. Would you maybe wanna hang out or something?


From: Me
Sure, I'd love that

From: Piper
Sweet!! So, there's a movie playing tomorrow that I really wanna see. I'll send you the link??

From: Me
Sure! I love movies. What's it about?

From: Piper
It's a cheesy romance movie...

From: Me
That's cute...I'm down to see it

From: Piper

From: Me
Anything for you. Anything to make you happy.

That was when I realized...I was plainly in love with her.

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