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"TOPPER THORNTON? THAT FUCKING CRETIN?" Quinta James sounded bored of the conversation, rolling her eyes the moment they started gossiping about the Kook boys. She was always loud, vocal and very opinionated, but when it came to the Kooks — especially the famous trio that held Topper, Kelce and Rafe — she could get rather rude.

Sarah Cameron smiled brightly, her brown eyes filled with love and adoration for the boy of her dreams. "Yes!" she said. "I think I love him."

"Ew," giggled Kiara Carrera, shaking her head. "That's disgusting."

"It's romantic," Sarah argued.

"Right? Yeah, 'cause Daddy's permission and sneaking into bedroom windows is so cute," Quinta mocked, rolling her eyes once again. "Please. It's like a slasher film waiting to happen."

Sarah could never understand why Quinta was always so pessimistic. Maybe if she was nicer, she'd have more friends, because she was clearly lacking in that department. Maybe boys would like her more if she made her personality as attractive as her face.

"Sarcasm isn't sexy," Sarah told her.

"Neither are golf clubs, but I'd probably cum if I ever hit someone with one," Quinta retorted.

Kie laughed, "You spend too much time with JJ." She giggled even more. "I mean, that literally makes zero sense."

Quinta turned to her, slowly cracking into a smile, before she eventually laughed.

"Wow, the witch has humour," Sarah commented, rolling her own eyes.

Quinta looked at her, raising a brow. "What was that you said about sarcasm?"

Never being one to back down to a challenge, the blonde girl arched an eyebrow back, not dropping their eye contact.

Quinta nodded slowly.

Sarah smiled.


SARAH CAMERON WAS A CURIOUS girl. Her family were known to be shut off and distant, keeping their secrets between themselves, and she was just supposed to accept that. She was supposed to simply blink and nod whenever drama went on, and she was never supposed to grow confused or suspicious. But she couldn't help it. Whenever the blonde Cameron could see something that was off, she grew crazy with obsession.

And her newest obsession was none other than Quinta James — a Pouge girl, who'd always hated her for no apparent reason. She was known around the island only for wrong and was branded a troubled teen last year, after nearly beating Sarah's older brother to death with his own gold club.

Earlier that day, after yet another heated conversation with the argumentative Pouge, Sarah found a shard of glass that Quinta had been carrying in the back pocket of her shorts. It was clearly a smashed up piece from a bottle of beer — the evidence was the sticky, smelly, yellow liquid on the sides, meaning that if anybody were to be cut by it, it would probably get infected. Sarah didn't care about that, though — she just wanted to know why. Why anybody in their right mind would stroll around with a shard of glass in their pocket.

She lifted her head up from her royal, fluffed pillows and rolled over, fiddling with the sharp object between her fingers. Sighing tiredly, Sarah sat up slightly to put it on her dressing table, only to hiss out in pain when she accidentally scratched the tip of her index finger with the edge.

"Crap," she whispered, sucking on her finger lightly.

There was a soft knock at her white, painted bedroom door, causing the teen girl to turn her attention to the other side of her enchanted bedroom. A moment later, her father came walking in, wearing that heart-warming smile he always did.

Sarah and her family were all super close, but the bond she and her dad shared was truly unbreakable. She was his first daughter, his first princess. He'd been her sole protector since the day she was born, and he'd shown her exactly how a man should treat her when she's older. With him as a dad, Sarah knew she needed to be treated like royalty. Some called her spoilt, but she called herself lucky. Not everybody was fortunate to grow up with a father as perfect as hers.

"Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about earlier," Ward said, sitting down at the edge of her Queen-sized bed.

Sarah nodded and moved over to sit at his side. "About Ms. Lana?" she asked, remembering her earlier conversation with the poor, distraught woman. Her husband, Scooter, who worked for the Cameron family, went missing during the hurricane, and Sarah was last to see him. "Has she found him yet?"

Ward nodded. "Something like that," he said sadly.

His daughter's head dipped at the news. Sarah was a compassionate girl, who cared and loved absolutely everything with a heartbeat. The idea of somebody losing their husband, their soulmate, their best friend and their lifeline all in one broke her heart. Poor Lana.

"But that's not what I wanted to talk about," her dad continued, causing her to look up at him again. He shook his head. "Quinta James."

Sarah gulped, nodding. "What about her?" she questioned.

"I saw you girls talking this morning," Ward said, then paused for a moment, like he went into deep thought, the memories of last year haunting him. "You know I don't like to interfere with your life, Sarah — who you choose as your friends is completely up to you. But you saw what that girl did to your brother. She's dangerous."

"So I've heard," the girl said, nodding. She furrowed her eyebrows, the curiosity getting the better of her, as usual. "Do you know why she did it, Dad? I mean, nobody can snap just like that, right? And Rafe's not exactly —"

"She was ill," Ward told her, cutting his daughter off. "Her family's a mess and it made her seriously sick. That's why I helped her poor father pay for her therapy. She needed it before something bad happened. We helped save that girl, but that doesn't mean she's still not capable of...bad things."

He spoke as though he cared a lot for Quinta and her family, despite what she did to his son, and Sarah respected that. She always felt like she'd earned those genetics from him — compassion and care for others, no matter how many wrongs they made. She and her dad strongly believed in second chances, and she loved that he helped Quinta, even after she attacked Rafe that day.

"Just be careful around her, Sarah," Ward said lastly. "I'd never forgive myself if something bad happened to you."

Sarah smiled. "I will, Dad," she promised.

Ward smiled back and kissed his daughter on her forehead before slowly leaving her room.

Finally, Sarah Cameron sighed, falling back into the comfort of her royal bed. There was something about Quinta James — something about the deadness in her eyes, something about the dryness in her tone, something about the dread in her expression whenever she ran into her — that made Sarah want to dig further, to find out everything about her. She didn't know why, but she was dying to know the whole story. Something about it didn't feel right. Something just felt off. Wrong.

And Sarah wasn't sure she'd be able to get any sleep before finding out what that was.

"Why the hell did you bring glass to work?" she asked herself quietly.

A/N : i LOVED writing this chapter, idk why but it was so fun !! i think i'm just in love with sarah

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A/N : i LOVED writing this chapter, idk why but it was so fun !! i think i'm just in love with sarah.

i promise i'll get into the actual plot of the show lol.

love, tay </3

𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 - sarah cameron Where stories live. Discover now