Sunni and Puffle

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Sunlight filled her bedroom as the city noise blared. Sunni moaned as soon as she curled herself into her bed. A small bark of her dog sounded as she slowly came to focus. The bright girl began to chuckle as soon as she opened her green eyes. Her pet pomeranian, Puffle is smiling at her and licking her face.

"Oh... Hey, Puffle," she greeted her dog. She got up from her bed and rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out of her system. She looked outside of her window and saw that it was morning. "Oh, man. It's morning, already?" she realized. "I better have to get to work."

Getting up from her bed, she began to put on her bright blue covertall and her dark blue shirt after she got herself washed and brushed her teeth. Then she put on her cap and her well made boots. She whistled for her dog to hop onto her carrying bag as she opened the door and exited out of her apartment.

It was truly a sunny day in Brooklyn. The people are out doing their local business and working hard for money. She often looks at the Super Mario Plumbing commercials on the TV on her way to the place where she and her construction site are preparing to build a new apartment. Upon arriving, her new friends greeted her with warm waves and hellos to her.

After which, she starts to work. First of all, when pipes are needed she grabbed the pipes and started to work on the faucets and the bathroom showers. Next, she had to bring in some bricks and pull a very heavy load down on a pile so the workers could patch it with cement. During lunch, she bought herself a dandelion sandwich and a biscuit for Puffle to feed on. After her break, she started to help a few people check how the water works and lift the beams on top of the building. She often calls her dog to bring a wrench or a hammer to get to work on the project. As soon as dusk had broken, Sunni knew that it was time for her to go back home.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," She called to her friends. The construction workers saved goodbye as Puffle began to walk with her. The sun started to set as they walked back to their home. It's been a long time since she has been working. She is twenty and someday, she might be able to be the best worker in New York and get a promotion. Upon walking home, she realized that the moon had come out and it was dark.

Puffle seemed very nervous. She whimpered and barked at her owner. The woman looked down at her pet and petted her head. "It will be okay," Sunni told her. "I'm sure we'll find a way back home." She began to pick her dog up into her arms to carry her as she began to walk deeper into the streets. She started to get worried as if she had lost her way. All of a sudden, a tiny sparkling glow came from the other side of the alleyway. Sunni and Puffle to see the glowing figure shining brightly and disappearing in a flash. Curiously, the human and dog wondered where the light was coming from. It has to be someone who might be able to get them home. Curiosity started to get the better on Sunni and she needed to follow the source. They started to follow the light as the glowing object floated to another corner. Sunni wasn't sure it was leading her and Puffle to something but they stopped, coming upon a warehouse as the light was leading them to.

"Puffle," Sunni said. "I'm getting very concerned about this light leading us to the warehouse." Puffle let out a confused whine, looking at her owner. "I don't know if this is a good idea," she said. But the dog really wanted to know what was inside and she barked, urging her to follow it. "Okay, Puff. Alright. We'll just take one peek and we're out of here."

She braced herself and pulled out her flashlight to see in the dark. And carefully, she and Puffle stepped into the warehouse. The building seemed very dark and enough light was able to shine on the objects that were seen. There are pipes as large to climb in and there are boxes with worn out tools and stuff. The twinkling light started to glow again. Sunni looked around until she could see that the sparkle was coming from a strange pipe. The pipe is perfect enough to climb in and something is luring her in.

Sunni braced herself and she began to look inside the tube, shining her flashlight. "Hello?" She called. "Is anyone there?" There wasn't a response. The girl began to look in closer and shine her flashlight. All she sees is nothing but dark. Puffle began to jump into the pipe and barked. The same twinkling light is seen again and it's close. Sunni looked close until she felt something dragging her forward. "Puffle!" she called. "We got to back out!"

Puffle completely agreed and they started to back away from the strong wind, but the tube kept on pulling her and Puffle forward. They tried to get away but the suction was so strong, they were both pulled in and right into a strange portal. Sunni panicked as she and Puffle hang on to each other all around them, colorful swirls and clouds beyond the other side, Suddenly, Puffle started to lose her grip on Sunni as she started to get seperated from another tube portal. Sunni grabbed her and urged her to hang on, but it was so strong it pulled Puffle right into the other side. Sunni screamed for her pet as she was driven deeper into the portal and into the world unlike her own.

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