Chapter 3

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Right after Jamey left in high spirits...

Tailsko: So... Um, Tails what do you wanna do now?

Tails: I don't actually know....

Tailsko: Hey, I've heard there's this new ice cream shop a few blocks from here, maybe we could go there and-... You know, have a bite?

Tails: Sounds great!

Tailsko: Alright, let's go then!

While walking towards the ice cream shop the two had a conversation of there own.

Tails: So uh, how have you been?

Tailsko: Well, considering I've only been at your universe yesterday since we were together, I'm quite well.

Tails: Oh really? Ahaha I should've known... I mean it seemed like it's been a long time eheheh...

Tailsko: Well I can't say I didn't feel the same. I mean I like spending time with you.

Tails: OH! R-really?

Tailsko: Why do you sound so surprised? Of course I do! You're one of my closest friends tails.

Tails: Yeah you too. So um. Anyway- huh?

Tailsko: what is it?

Tails: Isn't that Sonica?

Tailsko: Hm? Oh yeah. Hey Sonica!

Both rushed to greet the female blue blur.

Sonica: Hm? Oh hey Tailsko! And you too tails. What's up?

Tailsko: Nothing really we're just off to go grab some ice cream. You wanna come with us?

Sonica: Ice cream? Oh, no thanks I just had some on the way back.

Tails: Aww that's a shame. By the way Jamey was looking for you just now, we sort of met him back at your, well, room. What's up with that?

Sonica: Oh, um, yeah... About that...

Tailsko: What's wrong Sonica?

Sonica: Oh, nothing, nothing! It's just... I don't know. Do you think I've been rude to him for avoiding him so much lately?

Tails: Weeeell, he was kinda looking down when we first saw him.

Tailsko: Yeah, he seemed very sad about not finding you. He also told us about... You know, that shady incident just now.

Sonica: Oh, right. So you know huh?

Tailsko: Sort of.

Sonica: Well, what did he say? Did he liked it? *Slightly sad*

Tailsko: Well, he said he kinda di-

Sonica: I knew it... He's hooked!

Tails: Actually he said-

Soinica: He already has feelings for her doesn't he?! That shady already got the best of him doesn't she?!-

Tailsko: Actually, Sonica, Jamey said-

Sonica: Argh! Now I can't do anything about it! Why can't she's just gonna break his heart in the end, and poor Jamey would be heart broken, and then who'll clean up the pieces? Me!

Tails: Sonica!

Sonica: what?!

Tails: We were trying to tell you he didn't mean it like that!

Sonica: what do you mean?

Tails: Well, okay he did say he liked the kiss-

Sonica: See I knew it!

Tailsko: Let him finish talking please!


Tails: uh- thanks Tailsko.

Tailsko: it's nothing really. *Smile*

Tails: Anyway. W-what I was trying to say is that, He said he liked the kiss, but only to the form of some sort of flattery, or as a thanks for spending time with shady.

Sonica: H-he said that?

Tailsko: Yes. And we also convinced him that you have a bit of a "liking" on him.

Sonica: What?! B-but, Tailsko!

Tailsko: I'm sorry! But he was just so sad and confused. And don't tell you that's not true because I know exactly how you've been feeling about this whole Jamey hanging out with Shady thing.

Sonica: Oh yeah? And how is that exactly?

Tailsko: Hmm. I believe people call it... Jealous.

Sonica: Excuse me?! I- I am not jealous, I don't know what you're talking about!

Tailsko: Oh come on Sonica, I'm your best friend. Do you seriously think I don't know what's in that head if yours? I mean come on, I was there when you were bawling your eyes out with each time you saw the two together.

Sonica: Y- you weren't supposed to tell anyone that!

Tails: Too late, she already told me.

Sonica: Well, you I understand why you'd tell Tails, but don't tell Jamey that okay?

Tails: Uummm...

Sonica: You told him?!!

Tailsko: ...

Sonica: Unbelievable...

Tails: To be fair... She didn't technically clarify it... Just vaguely...

Sonica: That Still doesn't make it better!

Tailsko: I'm really sorry. I just felt pretty bad for Jamey. He's my friend too, and I couldn't help myself seeing him so sad.

Sonica: *Sigh* It's fine. Well. Not really, but I do forgive you. You do owe me one though.

Tailsko: I know...

Sonica: Alright, I need to go. I gotta explain a few things to Jamey before he gets the wrong idea.

Tails: Will he really be getting the wrong idea though?

Sonica: er- Yes!

Tails: Alright, if you say so. *Shrug*

Sonica: Alright, I'll see you two later, I gotta go. Plus, I don't wanna spoil your, ice cream date. *wink*

Tails/ko: DATE??!! *Blush,blush*

Tailsko: Oh, no, um we-we aren't dati- I mean we're not going on a date! Eh ehe heh...

Tails: Y-yeah! It's not what it looks like, we we're just hanging out that's all! Ahahah...

Sonica: Oh? I dunno. Are you going to the new ice cream shop down the block?

Tails: Yes, how'd you know?

Sonica: Well, tailsko said, if you asked her out that's the place she'd like to go first.


Tails: O-oh, uh is-is that right, Tailsko? *Blush harder*

Tailsko: NO! No of- of course not! *Blushes harder*

Sonica: Aaaand payback has been administered. *Smirk* Alright have fun love birds, see ya!


Sonica ran off somewhere. Meanwhile.

Tails: Sooo... Uh... Would you like to talk about- uh- what just happened?

Tailsko: Oh, uhm, I would prefer not too... Actually.

Tails: Oh! Alright. S-should we just Continue with our da- I MEAN HANGOUT?!

Tailsko: Uh, YES, Yes we should!

Tails: Alright, let's go then!

Tailsko: Alright!

End of chapter.

Okay, I know what I said but I was rewatching some of their videos together and suddenly had the inspection to write some. I don't know if I'm gonna write the next soon but we'll see. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did writing. See ya guys! 😋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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