Chapter 1

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(Note: Tailsko has a British accent.)

Tails: Aaand done! Phew. Finally, my baby's all fixed. Thanks for the help again Tailsko.

Tailsko: No problem tails, it's no trouble at all.

Tails: No really, I owe you one I mean I couldn't have fixed this in time for our next mission without your help.

Tailsko: I mean that's what friends do right? And besides, you're smart you could have figured it out on your own anyway.

Tail: And so are you.

Tailsko: Well we are kind of the same, but not really. Okay I better go now, Sonica might be very well be looking for me, I'll see you later. Fare well Tails!

Tails: Uh- y-yeah! Bye Tails ko! Hehe... aw man the way she says fare well like that.

Sonic: Hey little buddy!

Tails: Sonic!

Sonic: So how'd your date go?

Tails:I-i-i-i it's not a date!

Sonic: Oh really? Then why is your cheek all pink?  Last time I checked your fur is white there.

Tails: U-uh- I uh-.

Sonic: And you sound like a broken record hahaha.

Tails: Soniccc!

Sonic: Aww man you really act all flustered when talking about her don't you? Haha!

Tails: erm.....

Sonic: Honestly why don't you just take your chance and go for it? She seems to really like you too.

Tails: I already told you, we can't be together. She's literally me! Ya know except she's a girl version of me. She belongs in a different dimension. They need her there like you guys need me here. I'm not that selfish.

Sonic: Yeah. But I don't see it stop you from going all goo goo Gaga for her? Hehe.

Tails: Please don't. You're making me sound like Amy, or Jamy for genders sake.
Besides, you of all people should be least qualified talking about confession. I know you like Amy regardless of what you say.

Sonic: What? No I don't, we're just friends that's all.

Tails: Please don't be like that guy named Adrien Agreste.

Sonic: And who in the multiverse is that?

Tail: Oh some black cat who's in love with a heroic Ladybug, you probably never heard of him.

Sonic: Well can't say I have.

Tail: He's a super hero too and super dense so I guess you'd get along. Anyway back to Amy.

Sonic: Please don't start this again-

Tails: Sonic.

Sonic: No! I won't have any of this! You know what I - I'm gonna go and, probably get some chilli dogs.

Tails: Oh right running away from your feelings. And I thought you and Shadow have nothing in common.

Sonic: Hey, Don't compare me to that faker!

Tails: Why not? You won't even share your feelings and neither does he.

Sonic: I do not have feelings for Amy!

Tails: You rescued her like a million times... I think. Well I mean the only main one was when she got kidnapped but, you did also save her a few for times.

Sonic: Yeah, cuz she's my friend. Don't you think I would have done the same to you, to our other friends?

Tails: Point taken. But what about that time when you were so grumpy when you heard that she's been spending more time with Jamy than chasing you?

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