Part 2

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A/N: In the picture is how I pictured Brianne is.

While I was unpacking, my roommate barged into the room. She was a pretty girl with her straight black hair and a body that cut into a perfect slim. I couldn't see her eyes underneath the large dark sunglasses. But, I think they were pretty too. I felt the urge to befriend her. Unfortunately, what happened next changed my mind.

"Gosh, this room is so small and still they expect me to share with another girl," she said out loud, clearly not realizing my presence. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"Oh, the girl is here. Sorry I didn't see you there," she apologized though it didn't sound sincere at all. "Is this mine?" she pointed at the empty bed.

"Yes," I answered. This girl was getting into my nerve.

"What? I don't want it! It's beside the bathroom. I want yours! Exchange now!"

"Excuse me, have you ever heard the phrase 'First come first serve'? I'm here first and I get this bed. I'm sorry you are stuck with that but you got no other choice," I said furiously.

"Ugh! I'm going to report this to the headmistress now!" then she marched out of the room and slammed the door loudly. She left her things by the door.

Wow, what a terrific roommate I got. I thought sarcastically. They thought of sharing a room with her for three years made me groan in frustration. Well, I don't care about her. I shall just mind my own business. I came here to become a ballerina and I would achieve it. I wouldn't let some bitchy girl get into my way. Not a chance.


Class started the next day with an ice breaking session. I got to know most of the girls and also the senior students. They were very nice and were happy to help whenever we needed. I got along just fine with Brianne's roommate, who was sweet but didn't talk much. Good for Brianne that her roommate was far better than me. Speaking of the devil herself, she didn't get to change bed or room since the headmistress was very strict and fair. This was very unfortunate for both of us. I knew she would make my life a living hell just by talking.

"Well, who is your roommate?" Brianne asked.

I pointed at where the devil was. She was sitting with a bunch of girls who seemed to be under her charms.

"You kidding me right?" a girl from behind said.

"You got her as your roommate? You are so lucky!" another interrupted.

"Lucky? She's not very nice you know," I told them. "Who is she anyway?"

"Rachel Devan. Her mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and most of the females in her family were once a famous ballerina," Brianne told me. "Obviously, she's becoming one too."

"Everyone wants to be her friend. Just look at how many girls surround her," Brianne's roommate said.

"Well, certainly not me. I already have Brianne," I said. Brianne chuckled at my childishness.


Lesson began after lunch that day. Madam Giselle was our tutor for the year. She started with an introduction and after that we began to do some basic steps. I got most of them right, thanks to the ballet class I took since I was ten. Of course, Brianne was with me too. She was doing extremely well throughout today's lesson. Madam Giselle seemed interested on her judging by how long she stayed with Brianne and the unending compliments she gave her. I have to admit that I began to develop some jealousy.

Miss Rachel on the other hand, wasn't doing well. She got tripped and fell down more than any girl in the room. Clearly, she wasn't as good as her mother or grandmother. Also, she seemed new to ballet. I began to wonder whether she enrolled for passion or just fame. Or maybe, she forced into this? I don't know for sure and I don't think I'll be getting any answers from her. She totally has made known her dislikes towards me.


The schedule was very pack. Now I have been here for a month and I was exhausted. During the day, we have practice in steps and routines while at night we have history lesson. The night lesson was pretty boring. We only have time to ourselves during the weekends.
Brianne and I spent time together every moment. Practice, eating, shopping, and whatever we can do, we do it together. We only have each other here. Don't get me wrong, the other girls were nice but you wouldn't want to talk to them about anything personal. It would get spread around fast. Brianne was the only person I confide in. She would hear whatever my complains about and offered advice.

She wasn't only my best friend but she was also my biggest competition. I realized I sounded selfish but I couldn't help myself. She was so much better than I was. I knew I couldn't beat her. She would always be better than I am. Even, the seniors and Madam Giselle like her very much. I was happy for her. But, I still worked hard to improve myself.

"You were awesome!" Brianne praised me after I finish the Sleeping Beauty routine.

"I'm not as good as you," I reply as I wiped off the sweats on my forehead.

"Don't be ridiculous, no one can get that routine right other than you," she smiled.

"That was good, Miss Belle," Madame Giselle spoke. "But, maybe a little bit softer on the turns. Next, Brianne your turn. I know you can do this." Of course my moves weren't perfect in her eyes.

"My turn. Wish me luck," Brianne said and went into position in the middle of the room.

"Good luck!" I said. But I knew that she didn't need it. She was talented in dancing. When you watched her dancing, it was magical moment. Her moves were smooth and her expression was perfect. She captivated her audiences. I envy her for that. Truth to my words, the whole class cheered when she ended her routine. Madame Giselle was more than happy. She was beyond happy. I willed myself to join the cheering and be happy for my best friend. Even though, it hurt me a little.

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