Part 1

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A/N: The picture shown is Belle. It's the closest how I imagined her to be.

Do you believe in happily ever after?

Well, I do. I was living it now. Some people may think my life was a disaster by looking at my physical condition. I don't blame them for thinking like that because I thought the same thing four years ago. But now, I realised my life was perfect. In fact, it was far from perfect that I could not ask for more. With my husband and little Brianne by my side, I faced everyday with new determination and courage they gave me.

"Mommy! Mommy! I've break my record! I did tree pose for two minutes and thirty two seconds," Brianne's voice ran into my thoughts.

I closed the journal I was working on and opened my arms for my baby girl. "Really? That is wonderful baby," I kissed her chubby cheek. She looked so much like her father. Dark brown hair, deep blue eyes, and her charming smile - just like her father.

The sound of the front door being opened caught our attention. I glanced at the clock. Right on time. I thought silently.

"Brianne!" a manly voice called.

"Daddy!" Brianne shouted.

She walked half-dancing and stopped for a while to make a quick swing before running to the front door to meet her daddy. She looked so adorable in those tiny pink ballet shoes.

Brianne reminded me of my dear best friend. My sister. It has been four years since she left us. I still remembered how hard the first few months were. I cried over and over again until the last tear I had. I blamed God for writing my life like this. If it wasn't for him, my husband, I might have joined her. My thoughts transported back to four years ago when I first landed my feet on England's soil.


It was a sunny June morning. The cool breeze of London greeted me and my fourteen colleagues including Brianne, my best friend. We were accepted to the English National Ballet School for a three years programme. It was an incredible privilege to be accepted to one of the world's famous ballet schools and I could not hide my excitement since I abroad the plane at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

My parents were totally against of my wish to pursue my interest in dancing. Well, my father, Bryan, did most of the arguments. My mother, Belinda, she was only backing her husband like the five-years-in-a-row Trophy Wife she was. She didn't say much when it came into my studies and interest. She was always busy with the other potential trophy wives to keep up with my upbringing. These potential trophy wives were the wife of my father's business' partners. Once in a while, they would come over to our house for dinner and this was when my parents would talk much about me. Correction, more like bragging about me.

You see, according to my father, I was a Straight As student and a soon to be doctor. The part where I was smart was true but definitely not the doctor part. I don't want to save lives and perform surgery on people. I want to dance my heart out. I want to let myself flow to the melodies of songs. But, being the business minded person they were, my parents wouldn't let me, saying, there was no guarantee payment for dancers.

"Belle, my baby girl. Dancing isn't for you. You are too smart to spend the rest of your life dancing. You should be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer or anything else that could give you money every month. Your mom and I work hard to give you this life. Now you must work too. For your future family," my dad said to me on the night I received the acceptance letter.

"Your father is right, Belle. Why don't you check up some medical schools in the internet tonight?" My mom interrupted.

"But mom, I don't want to!" I expressed my disagreement by stomping my feet. I might seem like a spoiled brat but I don't care anymore.

"Our decision is final, Belle. Now go to your room and do what you mother told you," my dad said with sharper tone. Reluctantly, I did what they asked and went into my room. I didn't search up for medical schools. Instead I cried my heart out.

But, my parents weren't that mean. I knew they love me very much despite being busy all the time, even though they showed their affection in form of money. I understand the scolding and shouting they gave. They were only concern about my wellbeing and my future. I usually followed whatever they wished me to do. But for once, I wanted to make my own decision. This was the time for me to stand up on my own two feet. My decision now would affect my whole life. If I followed my parents' wish, they would be happy but I'll be spending the rest of my existence doing something I don't like. On the other hand, if I choose to rebel and become a famous ballerina, I'll get my happiness and my dream would come true. But, my parents probably would hate me after that. I was in dilemma for days because of this.

This was when Brianne came to my rescue. Brianne and I were best friends from childhood. Our parents knew about our unbreakable bond. But, they never meet up or visit each other's place. Weren't they supposed to get to know each other and exchanging phone numbers since their daughter were best friend for years? That got me into curiosity. Also, Brianne's mom, Camelia seemed to be a little cold to me at times. She usually didn't stayed long at home whenever I came to visit Brianne.

Anyway, Brianne and I were like fraternal twins. Born on the same day, same brown hair but different eye colour and have almost similar interest in food, clothes, entertainment and hobbies. We spend time together from the moment we knew each other's name. We went to same school,went shopping together, eat together, sleep together and dance together. She understood me like no one else. So, when I confronted her about my parents' disagreement, she bravely went to talk to them. Surprisingly, it worked. I didn't know how, but I guess Brianne has a special spot at my parents' heart, especially my father.


So here I was, standing on London's land with Brianne and both of us were about to take the biggest step of our life towards becoming a ballerina. I smiled at that thought. Brianne and I were gathering our luggage when a loud whistle sound broke the silence of the airport. We turned around and saw a beautiful middle-aged lady in red dress walking towards us.

She introduced herself as Madam Giselle and told us the school sent her to welcome us. She didn't forget to add that a limo was waiting for us not far from where we were standing. Our eyes meet and she smiled at me. I smiled back. I liked her immediately. I don't know why but maybe it was because of her aura.

The ride to our hostel was fun. I enjoyed the beautiful view of London's buildings and the fascinating sceneries. I have always love London and to be here was a dream come true. At the hostel, we were given a tour and our own rooms. I thought Brianne and I would be in a room together since we registered our name together. Unfortunately, my room partner was another girl. I could see that Brianne was also disappointed by the look on her face. She gave me a weak smile and mouthed "See you later."

Stubbornly, I grabbed my luggages and began searching for my room. I reached room 23 and used the key given to me to open the wooden door. As soon as the door opened, I had a look inside and my jaw dropped. The room was just like my room back home. There were two beds, two dressing tables and two wardrobes. All were in antique design and I just loved them. They were arranged into two sections - one near the bathroom and another just next to the big window.

Being the first to arrive give me advantage to choose my bed. I chose the section just next to the window, leaving my partner with no choice but to take the bed near the bathroom. I began to unpack my luggages and hang my clothes in the wardrobe in my section. I couldn't wait for class to start.

What do you think of this one? This is to be continued. There will probably be about five parts only. So stay tuned. Do vote and feel free to comment! ;)

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