The Maker

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Warning: Blood, alcohol, biting.

He breathed heavily as my fangs rushed they're way back into me. I looked down at him puzzled as he smirked.

"What?" I asked looking down at him as he began to laugh.

"I just met you. I let you do that. What the fuck is wrong with me?" He asked to himself laughing, this scared me for some reason.

"You asked. I provided." I said sneering at him.

"I did didn't I. What does this mean?" He asked looking around. His hair wrapping around my pillow in all sorts of forms.

"You're mine. No other vampires can have you, most of them will know its a sense in a way. You might wanna cover it too, it'll heal fully in a day or so but just clean it." I said getting up and moving to the side of the bed to grab my flask.

I grabbed a paper towel and poured the alcohol onto it. I moved back over to him and dabbed it on the spots of ruby red droplets. He sucked in a breath as I did so.

"That doesn't answer my question." He said looking at me. His eyes seemed dull but still sparkled in a sadistic way.

"What do you need to know?" I asked dabbing the paper towel some more.

"What are we. What happens to me and you." He asked with a smirk.

"DO you have a girlfriend or partner?" I asked looking over at him, he was holding his neck.

"I dunno. Do I?" He asked.

"No. I'm not that easy to please Xavier. You're gonna have to try harder if you even want me to consider you're idea." I said sternly smirkinging.

"Then what's this on my neck darling?" He said amused.

"What's mine is mine. That's all I'll say, but you've got some proving to do." I said laughing. He stood up fast walking over to me, he grabbed my chin so I could face him.

"As do you love." He said right before he placed a gentle kiss on my lips as he walked out the door closing it behind him. I stood there frozen, what had I gotten myself into?

My skin felt as if it had been lit on fire, there was a note on my bed which only made the burning worse.

"Meet me at the ballroom in an hour. Where something nice." -X

"It's four in the god damn morning." I told myself as I laughed. I walked over to my barley done closet as I pulled a mini skirt out and a plain black top. This was all he was getting. I was so thankful it was Saturday, meaning we had no classes tomorrow, meaning I could sleep.

An hour passed fast as I wondered around the castle trying to find anything related to a ballroom. Eventually how ever I did. I opened the door wearingly as I peeped in. It was candle lit and dark maroon. The walls were old and rustic as it looked. The room was cold however, which made me grab my arms.

"Didn't think you'd show up." Xavier said walking from around the corner. He had a button up shirt on with the same black jeans he had on from before. The shirt was a little unbuttoned at the top which kept my attention.

"Well I'm here." I blurted out smiling. He smiled back as he lifted his head up, then lifting it down to look at me.

"Come on, I wanna show you something." He said walking over extending his hand. I took it slowly, half of it wrapped around mine leading me into an unknown area. The ballroom itself was darkly lit, leaving me to trust Xavier.

We walked for a little bit until we reached a staircase, we walked up it to face another, which we slowly walked up to find the roof.

He opened the door slowly so it wouldn't make to much noise. He stepped out onto the roof inviting me with him. I did of course. I loved watching the night sky after all.

"I like watching the stars." He said looking up. I smiled, it was as if he could read my mind.

"I like watching the night sky, I like being out at night. It's like the whole world goes quiet for a bit, it's an escape for me." I said sitting down, he quickly layer down next to me.

"An escape from what?" He said still looking up. I was hesitant to answer which made him turn his head to me.

"My family, my life, my burdens in a sense." I sort of whispered just loud enough so he could hear. I never liked talking about any of those things. I just buried them down until I forgot about them.

"Tell me about it if you want." He said sitting up now and lighting a cigarette. I was shocked at the fact. His hair framed his face as the smoke escaped his lungs. It was becoming harder to build walls around us.

"They're abusive, always have been, my life is like a cage with no key, and I guess they finally let go of me." I said looking over at him now grabbing the cigarette from his fingers and taking a long drag. The smoke quickly left my lips and I looked back down at him.

This boy who was proped up looking at me like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Art. As I said. You are art, broken but damningly beautiful."

"I- wow." Was all I could manage to say, until he popped up and kissed me again. This kiss led to more. And more. And more. Until we sat there making art out of each other. There was a fire in my chest burning that I knew would only grow higher and higher until I couldn't take it anymore.

I needed to let the fire out.

"What is this." I asked as I gasped for breath.

"What is what?" He said with his forehead against mine.

"What do you want from me?" I asked again.

"I want you. I don't know exactly why yet but I want you." He said kissing my cheek. That was enough for me to stand up and lead him back down the stairs to the main entrance.

"My room." He said leading me.

And this is how the best night of my life began.

Burning Flames (Xavier Thrope x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now