Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A/N: Sorry it’s so short. I haven’t actually written any more since like last weekend. I have had some TERRIBLE writer’s block and this has turned into filler. Yup. Okay enjoy. SAMI AND LIV GET YO TISSUES! There is some crying involved! d:

Dylan’s POV

Mere: So Dyl… you and Jaime? (;

I looked up at her, the heat rising in my cheeks.

Dyl: Oh shut up Mere!

I pushed send and watched as Meredith giggled and showed Brian the texts. He looked up and winked at me. I was about to kill them. Everybody knew about my crush on Jaime, except for Jaime of course.

Mere: Dyl, she so likes you. You are just being too oblivious to it.

I sighed as I read the text. Jaime doesn’t like me. She couldn’t like me. She is too perfect. I looked down at her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful.

Dyl: No she doesn’t. She’s too perfect. I don’t deserve her.

Mere: DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT ABOUT YOURSELF DYLAN SAUNDERS! Now just enjoy it while it lasts. She is in your arms right now!

I glared at her and locked my phone. Mere was right though. I needed to just calm down and enjoy her being next to me. I leaned back and prepared myself for the rest of the long ride to New York.

Joey’s POV

I woke up with a jolt as I felt the bus stop suddenly. I looked around and noticed Lauren still asleep next to me. Why am I here in Lauren’s room? Everything suddenly came back and hit me in the face. Right, I had been comforting her and she didn’t want me to leave. I must have fallen asleep. I pushed myself up and quietly walked to her door without waking her up. Damn, she’s a light sleeper. I looked back at her and sighed. She looked so perfect. I knew I couldn’t be caught by her when she woke up so I silently opened her door and slipped out closing her door behind me quietly. When I looked up, I instantly regretted it. I saw everyone staring at me.

“So,” Meredith said wiggling her eyebrows at me, “you were in there for a long time Joey. What happened?”

I glared at her. “Nothing. She was crying so I calmed her down. And now she is currently sleeping so don’t bother her until absolutely necessary.” I walked into where everyone was sitting.

“You were in there for four hours Joey. C’mon something else had to have happened.” I really wanted to kill Meredith now.

“I’m serious Mere. Nothing happened!” I snapped at her. I watched as a hurt expression spread over her face. I turned and walked away, back into my room before falling to the ground and bursting into tears.

Walker’s POV

The bus jolted forward suddenly coming to a quick stop.

“Sorry guys!” Our bus driver called to us. “Unexpected traffic.”

We all visibly relaxed back into the couches. Jaime was still sleeping against Dylan, his arm still around her. Brian and Meredith were back to watching TV with the occasional yelp from Mere as Brian tickled her. Brosenthal sat watching Julia as she concentrated hard on her laptop. I sighed and sunk back into the couch. My eyes flicked to the hallway as I debated going back and taking a small nap. Just in that moment, I saw Lauren’s door open up, but instead of Lo walking out, Joey walked out. I was so shocked that I didn’t notice everyone turn their head to stare at him.

“So,” I heard Meredith say. “You were in there for a long time Joey. What happened?”

Wait, how long was Joey in there? My eyes flicked over at Mere and the smirk she held on her face. My eyes flew back to Joey as he glared at her.

“Nothing. She was crying so I calmed her down. And now she is currently sleeping so don’t bother her until absolutely necessary,” he replied sternly. So he was in there long enough for Lo to fall asleep. Great.

“You were in there for four hours Joey. C’mon something else had to have happened.” FOUR HOURS? What could he have done in there for four hours? I was starting to become seriously curious.

“I’m serious Mere. Nothing happened!” That was it. He had snapped. Joey Richter had snapped. We all watched as Joey stormed back to his room and shut his door. I looked over at Meredith who had a hurt expression over her face. She quickly buried her face into Brian’s chest and began to cry. Joey had never snapped like that at anyone. What was up with him?

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