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     " Will you.. "

⚠️ Warnings:

- Will be a part 2.
- Decent Plot?

                              -  10:25 p.m.  -

Chase was in his berthroom, going over police codes for his lecture tommorow. Optimus had asked the team to prepare a small lesson on rescue bot basics. Seeing as he's a police bot, Chase is teaching law.

As he sat on his berth with a data pad in hand, he heard on knock in his door. "Chase?" a deep voice rumbled from outside his door. He recognized the voice as his sparkmate, Heatwave.

'What's he doing up at this hour?' Chase thought as he set his data pad down and began to walk over to the door. He opened his door and was met with a small smile. "Took you long enough, still preparing your presentation?" Heatwave asked, walking into Chase's room.

"Affirmative, have you completed yours?" Chase inquired as he shut his room door. "Yeah, it's short but it's the basics." Heatwave replied as he walked over to his mate. Chase met him halfway, where he was pulled into an embrace.

The police bot wrapped his arms around the others neck. Heatwave held him by the waist, leaning down a bit to give his sparkmate a soft kiss on the dermas.

When they departed, the red mech spoke, "I wanna take you somewhere." "We aren't allowed out of the firehouse after 9:30 Heatwave, you know those are the rules." Chase reminded him.

"I know, I know, but we haven't had much time to ourselves. So, I wanna take you out." the firebot spoke softly, moving a servo to caress the others cheek.

Chase hummed, leaning into his touch,"What did you have in mind?" "Is that a yes?" the red mech asked. "Heatwave, to leave would be a violation of Chief Burns' rules, and I have to finish this presentation by tomorrow. Though, I am curious on what you had planned." Chase said firmly.

Heatwave scoffed, "Can't you break it this one time? Don't you miss being alone?" "Yes but," Chase muttered,"you know how I feel about breaking rules.." "How about this, we go out just for a little while, an hour, tops. Then we come back and I'll help you finish your lecture. If we get in trouble, I will take the heat. Deal?" Heatwave almost pleaded.

The police bot let out a small sigh, he did miss being alone with his mech. But he also hasn't broken a rule in his entire online... but it gets bent, just this once. "I accept your invitation.." Chase relented, giving his lover a peck on the cheek letting go of his neck. Heatwave smirked, he finally wore the strict bot down.

"We better get going, so we won't be out so late." the firebot said as he let go of the others waist. Chase was still a bit weary of breaking Chief's rules but was nonetheless intrigued by what his mate had planned.

They walked out of the room, tip-toeing down the hallway into the space of the bunker. Once they successfully made it to one of the tunnels, the two mechs transformed into their alt-modes and rode off.

The tunnel they took led them to a cliff, the one Cody showed them when they first arrived. The view was bueatiful. They transformed to their bi-pedal modes, admiring the town below. The moon was half-lit, and the faint chirping of crickets and other insects were filling their audio receptors.

"Griffin Rock seems so peaceful from up here.. though, looks are decieving." Chase spoke, observing the small town in the distance. "Yeah, but that's not what we came for." Heatwave spoke, taking Chase's servo into his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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