Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23: Fᴀᴢᴇʀ Bʟᴀsᴛ

525 9 13

Note that only Tala and Luna belong to me.


Tala, Freddy, and Gregory made their way to Fazer Blast, which was on the opposite side of the Atrium. When they walked through the metal shutter door, they were greeted by planets and stars that lined the room like they were in space. A Party bot was standing by the elevator that said "Entry".

"The entrance is right there," Tala said, pointing at the elevator. "Just give the Party bot your pass and it will let you on the elevator."

"You just need to win a game to get the Fazerblaster," Freddy said. "I am sure you can do that on your own. You just need to take the elevator to the Fazer Blast lobby."

"Alright," Gregory agreed. "Let's go then."

They walked over to the Party bot and Gregory gave it the Party Pass. After the bot verified it, it moved aside and the elevator door opened. They walked in and Gregory pressed the button.

After a short elevator ride, they found themselves in the middle of the Fazer Blast lobby. There were some arcade machines next to the front desk. There was also a little shop with merchandise on the opposite side. Neon lights covered the room.

"Wowww," Gregory said in awe, looking around the lobby in wonder. Behind the front desk were drawn portraits of all the animatronics in space gear and blasters.

"You might as well go check the security office first," Freddy said. "I am sure you will find something that will help you."

"Oh, true," Gregory said as he headed towards the door with a security badge on it.

He walked through the door and headed towards the security office. As he walked through the door of the security office, Tala messaged him through his Fazwatch.

"Gregory! They know you are here," she said. "Get the security upgrade and get out!"

Gregory rushed over to the desk and opened the Freddy head capsule. Inside was the level 5 security badge. There was also a giftbox on the desk. When he opened it, he got a bowling ticket.

"What amazing luck," Freddy said. "You got an annual Bonnie Bowl unlimited pass. Free bowling for a whole year! Mega Pizzaplex entry not included. Shoe and ball rental fees still apply."

Gregory couldn't help but notice that Freddy sounded a little sad. But he quickly hustled his way out of the security office.

When he walked out of the security office, he almost got caught by a security bot that was passing by. Thankfully, he ducked back behind the desk just in time.

"Quick! Over here!" Tala called to him. She and Freddy were standing by the entry door to the Fazer Blast arena. Gregory quickly rushed over and the three of them entered the door.

The first room had some plush chairs in front of a stage with a neon starry void of lights. On the stage was a bot with some kind of safety gear on it.

"That bot is supposed to tell you the rules of the game," Freddy explained. "You might as well listen since there is some important information that you should know."

Once the bot saw them, it immediately started droning about safety and rules of the game. Gregory did as he was told and listened carefully.

After the bot gave its speech, Freddy and Tala followed Gregory through the hallway to the next room, which had a bunch of equipment lying on tables.

"Before you can enter the area, you need to grab a helmet and Fazerblaster," a robot voice droned overhead. Gregory excitedly grabbed a helmet and one of the Fazerblasters on the tables.

"We'll wait for you to finish the game in the lobby room," Tala told Gregory. "Good luck! I'm sure it won't be that hard."

"Okay! I'll see you guys after I get the Fazerblaster," Gregory said as he headed towards the door.

"You are on the orange team, soldier," the voice said. "Report to the orange hallway."

Gregory went down the orange hallway and into the elevator at the end of it. Inside, he pressed the elevator button and waited as it went down. When the door opened up, there was an arena with bright neon-colored walls and sections.

"Our friendly security staff can help."

That's Chica, Gregory thought. I guess I'll have to be careful.

Apparently, it was a game of "Capture the Flag", with different buttons around the course serving as flags. Once you pressed one, you needed to defend the area for about 28 seconds.

In all cases, it was actually really fun. But on his way to the second flag, Gregory had a small run-in with Chica. But he managed to shoot her in her eyes so that she stopped in her tracks and drooped over.

After defending the last flag, the voice over the announcer said, "You have defeated the alien army! Good job, Space Cadet! Proceed to the winner's elevator for your reward."

"Yes!" Gregory said excitedly as he hurried back to the elevator. He dropped the Fazerblaster into the Return bin and headed into the elevator.

"Well done, Superstar! You won the Fazerblaster," Freddy said through his Fazwatch. "Now, go collect your prize from the Superstar Lounge."

Gregory pressed the elevator button and waited as the elevator went up. The elevator door opened to a green hallway, which led him to a room with a golden Fazerblaster mounted on a table on a pedestal. Gregory grabbed it and headed back to the Fazer Blast lobby.

As soon as he entered the lobby, he had to duck behind the counter to avoid getting caught by a security bot. He cautiously peeked out from behind his hiding place and saw Tala standing by the elevator.

When Tala spotted him, she waved him over. "Hurry! Before you get caught!" she yelled.

Gregory started making his way over. He got about halfway when he heard Chica's voice behind him. Turning around quickly, he aimed at Chica and shot with his brand-new Fazblaster. Chica immediately flopped over while Gregory ran into the elevator where Tala and Freddy were waiting and pressed the button. As the door shut behind them, Gregory let out a sigh of relief.

"So, I'm guessing you know how to use the Fazblaster already," Tala acknowledged.

"Yeah! The game was really fun, too!" Gregory said happily.

"So, now that you have everything you need, should we start... decommissioning them?" Freddy asked, hesitantly.

"Oh... yeah, sure," Gregory sighed. "I feel so bad for doing this, not to mention I'm probably breaking more laws for destruction of property... But hopefully they won't be too badly damaged."

"So, who are we decommissioning first?" Tala asked.

"Erm, well, since Chica's on our tail right now... maybe we should start with her?"


Word Count: 1099 words

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