Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19: Fɪɴᴅɪɴɢ Fʀᴇᴅᴅʏ

213 4 0

Note that only Tala belongs to me.


As soon as the hour passed, Gregory rushed out of the recharge station.

"Freddy, can you hear me?" he called.

No response. Gregory rushed to the door of Parts and Service but it required a Level 4 Security Pass. He went to the window and looked inside.

"Freddy's in there. We have to get him out," he said. "Are you coming, Tala?"

"I'm sorry, Shiningstar," Tala said. "I need to finish the recharge cycle before I can continue. You need to continue on your own for a bit. Once I'm done recharging, I'll send you a message and I'll try to find you."

"Oh okay," Gregory said, "I'll see you later then."

"Also be careful," Tala warned him. "It seems that Monty is roaming this section of hallways. I'll stand by and give you advice through your Fazwatch."

Gregory continued down the hall and then ran into the pesky Map bot again. This time, he just grabbed the map it was holding out and realized it was a map of the utility halls.

"Thank you. Please enjoy," the Map bot droned.

"Ugh! I hate that thing!" Gregory complained to no one in particular.

He continued on past the bot and through another metal shutter gate. He switched on his flashlight as it was quite dark in the area.

"Give up."

Monty sounds pretty close by... he thought uneasily as he continued on. He walked through another shutter gate and hadn't walked far when he saw something walking towards him. But when he shone the flashlight right in its face, it stopped moving.

"Tala, there's something here," Gregory whispered.

"Since you're going in the direction of the Warehouse, you're nearing an area that's crawling with endoskeletons," she replied. "They're not that fast but will move when you're not looking at them. You just need to keep running while keeping an eye on all of them."

"That sounds hard," Gregory said. "How many endoskeletons are there anyway?"

"Er, this isn't exact, but I think there's about 10-15 in this whole area," Tala said. "It's a pretty widespread area here, so there shouldn't be more than 1-2 every couple feet. Also, Roxy is now in the area, just so you know."

"Okay, thanks Tala," Gregory said.

Gregory quickly passed by the first endoskeleton, just as he heard Roxy's voice echoing in the dark hall.

"I bet you don't even have friends..."

But soon, he reached an area with a metal fence.

"It's blocked. I wonder if there's a way around."

He looked around the area and noticed another vent on the side of the wall.

Oh no... he thought. But since there were no other visible ways to get around the fence, he crouched down and started crawling through. He tried to avoid the spiderwebs littering the vent tunnel as best as he could. He didn't get far when he heard the sound of little cymbals.

"Not again..." he groaned as he turned around. Sure enough, the Wind-up Music Man was speeding along the top of the vent tunnel towards him. Gregory turned and sprinted through the vent, landing in another hallway crowded with different things.

As he continued forward, he saw a wall with what looked like an endoskeleton offering a balloon to a kid with her father. He felt a slight pang of sadness, knowing that he didn't have a family of his own to go back to. Pressing the button on the side, the whole wall panel slid open.

"That wall just moved!" he said in amazement.

As he continued forward, he saw three more endoskeletons at the end of the hall. He quickly pressed the button while keeping his gaze on the three endos. Another wall with a picture of an endo attacking a person on it slid open.

"Just so you know Gregory, endoskeletons are the skeleton of a robot," Tala explained. "If you were to take off the outer panels, that's what you'd be left with."

"So. This is what you guys look like inside? Creepy," Gregory shuddered. "I like you better with your shell on."

As he continued along, he found more and more of those endoskeletons scattered about. It was starting to get harder to keep an eye on all of them. Every time he turned his back for 3 seconds and looked back, an endoskeleton would be 2 feet away from him when he wasn't running. After pressing some more buttons and going through walls, he found what he was looking for.

"It's the Security Office. Hm. Should be one of those badge head things in here," he said to himself.

Sure enough, right on the desk was the Freddy head capsule. When he opened it, he got the Level 4 Security Pass.

"Got it! I can open Parts and Service now," he said excitedly. But it didn't last long.

There was a slight rumbling sound, and all the endoskeletons in the room came to life and started towards him.

"Oh, come on!" he grumbled, doing a full 360 sweep around the room, trying to catch all the endoskeletons so they wouldn't move. Then he remembered something.

Hey... the headphones that Tala gave me! I completely forgot about them, he thought, touching the headphones around his neck. Would they work on endoskeletons though?

He quickly located the button and pressed it. No sound came out but all the surrounding endoskeletons stopped and drooped towards the ground.

"Thank god," Gregory sighed in relief.

He rushed back towards the way he came in and quickly started retracing his steps. He passed through a shutter gate while continuing to keep an eye on the endos. He quickly went through the vent just in time. Wind-up Music Man turned back into the vents.

He quickly passed by the first endoskeleton he saw and ran through the shutter gate. Once he arrived back near the entrance of Parts and Service. Just then, Tala stepped out of the recharge station.

"You made it!" she exclaimed. "I just finished the recharge cycle."

"I got the Security badge," he said. "Let's go inside now."


Word Count: 980 words

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