21. Escaping To Gravesfield (Requested)

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Thank you for requesting this one shot, VarianWolf !

Genre: TOH crossover

Spoilers: end of s1 of Tangled; "Thanks To Them" from The Owl House

Warnings: brief moment with Varian being stripped down to his underwear; no major nudity; Mentions of abuse

Extra: f/m means "favorite magic" (you're a witch in this one shot); f/s means "favorite show"; f/c means "favorite character"; o/f/c means "other favorite character"

Varian's POV

Escaping from Corona's prison was one of the most difficult escapes I had to perform. The dungeon's security was high and was filled to the brim with guards. Not to mention, I was in a weak physical state due to all the torture and starvation I experienced while in my grimy prison cell.

It took almost a year, but I was finally out of that hellhole of a kingdom.

I knew there was no way I'd be able to continue living in Old Corona without being spotted, so I devised a plan to flee the kingdom entirely. Before I left, I returned to my lab to gather some personal items and weapons that I'd need in case someone found me.

I made a glance towards my father and the amber that had encased him so long ago. It had been a while since I'd last seen him in person.


I approached the amber slowly and ran my hand down the side of it.

I spoke again. "Dad, I have to go somewhere safe for me to live. I don't know when or if I'll be back."

I paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I'll miss you. Please don't forget about me."

My father remained silenced inside the amber. Tears of grief welled up in my eyes as I leaned my forehead against the cold and hard amber. It would be a long time until I could see him again.

A small squeak startled me. I turned around and spotted a chubby raccoon rubbing his soft body against my legs.


My beloved raccoon had been taken away from me while I was in prison. I didn't think that they had let him go live freely.

"Ruddiger, I missed you." I bent down to his level and stroked the fur on Ruddiger's head, ignoring the aching pain in my legs.

Ruddiger replied with a happy chirp.

Then there was a loud bang on the door to the house.


"Crap, the guards must've found me," I hissed. "C'mon, Ruddiger, we have to go now!"

Ruddiger nodded in agreement and jumped into my satchel. I opened the trap door in the stone floor, jumped inside the tunnel below it, and closed the door behind me. I quickly pulled out a lantern I had packed, lit it, and began the run for my life. My satchel bounced along my side, making Ruddiger do the same. I was panting heavily as I remembered how low my stamina had become. I was way weaker that I was before prison.

There were loud, thundering footsteps coming from behind me, and I mentally cursed. The guards had found my tunnel.


That was the Captain's voice.

Soon I reached the end to the tunnel and I forced my tired legs to run at a faster pace. If I could lose the guards in the forest, there would be no chance of them ever finding me again.

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