16. Horror Movie

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This is a Modern AU because I love these so much. I hope you enjoy!

As Varian was on his way to Y/n's house, he couldn't help but wonder, "Why am I doing this?"

To say that Varian didn't like horror movies was an understatement. He loathed them! They kept him up at night for weeks. Overall, he couldn't handle them. So, then, why was he going to watch one with Y/n? Maybe it was because he liked her very much and didn't want to make her sad. Maybe it was to prove to her that he wouldn't be scared.

Finally, he reached Y/n's house. Gulping, he pressed the doorbell and waited for Y/n to answer.

"Hey, Varian! You ready?" Y/n was wearing a pair of frog pajamas that looked really cute on her.

"Hey, Varian! You ready?" Y/n was wearing a pair of frog pajamas that looked really cute on her

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(This is what I picked. I hope you like it ☺️)

"Ready as I'll ever be," Varian chuckled nervously. "I-I like your outfit."

Y/n looked down at her pajamas and blushed. "Thank you! You look really nice yourself. Why don't you come in?"

Varian stepped inside the house, slightly trembling. He wasn't mentally prepared for this at all. Y/n lead him to the living room and they both sat down on the couch. There were already lots of snacks set up on the coffee table.

"So, uh, what movie did you pick?" Varian asked.

"The Woman In Black," Y/n replied. (If you haven't seen it, it's SUPER SCARY!! I hate horror movies! 😫)

Varian had heard about that movie before, but, being the scardy-cat that he was, he hadn't attempted to watch it. The movie was already set up and Y/n turned it on.

Time Skip

Throughout the movie, there were little jumpscares scattered around. Varian tried so hard to not make it obvious that he was scared out of his mind. He was sweating a little bit and his hands were shaking. Then, there was a terrifying part wherea woman in a black dress and veil started to chase Arthur (the main character) and that's when Varian finally broke.

He screamed so loud that Y/n nearly jumped out of her skin. Fumbling, she paused the movie.

"Varian, what's wrong?" Y/n inquired

Embarrassed, Varian pulled a blanket over his face and held his face in his knees. Moments later, he could feel sudden warmth. Y/n was giving him a hug.

"We don't have to finish it if you don't want to," Y/n offered. "I've seen this movie a good amount of times."

"I'm sorry, Y/n." Varian's voice cracked.

"It's ok. When I first saw this movie, I was terrified, but I kept watching it and my fear disappeared," Y/n admitted. "I understand that these movies can be scary at first. I don't blame you at all. You wanna do something else instead?"

"Yeah, sure,"Varian smiled. He squeezed Y/n tight.

For the rest of the night, Varian and Y/n played games and snuggled before going to sleep peacefully without any nightmares.

Word Count: 514

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