The Mission and a Fight

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Raphs Pov-

"Ok here's the plan, we get in and out stopping Meat Sweats from getting his pig hands on whatever he wants?" I look at my four brothers, making sure they know the plan while seeing them all nod in agreement; "Alright let's go" I yelled like a boss. We hop onto the roof of the building looking through the window, "There he is" Leo points out hitting his finger against the glass, "Alright we all know the plan lets go", we jump down through the tiny door on the roof down onto the around right behind Meat Sweats. 

"Hold it right there meat sweat" I shout while pointing a figure toward him, he turns around with a growl. "Turtles, your just in time for fried turtle" I look at Meat Sweats with an anger look "I prefer to be severed as more of a sandwich thank you, I look over to Leo giving him a sarcastic look. "Let's get this over with" I say, as I get in position to fight Meat Sweats when Leo starts rushing over to him and trying to strike a blow."Waait Leooo" I yell, I sigh as me, Donnie and Mikey all rush in with him. Meat Sweats swings his arm, smashing Leo against the wall hard. I stop in my tracks looking over to my brother with worried eyes, "LEO" I then turn my attention to Mest Sweat, feeling a blow to my hard shell I find myself crash against the wall. I groan rubbing my head as I sit up; I look to see my younger brothers fighting Meat Sweats. He knocks them all away, as they hit the ground, he turns around taking the thing from behind him and making his leave. I stand up fully making my way over to my brother to make sure they're all alright. "Is everyone, ok?" I say worriedly as they all stood up, I look over at Mikey who is giving me an angry look. 

"What?" I look at him confused. Not understanding why he's looking at me like that, did I do something wrong?

"WHAT? What was that, why did you stop all of a sudden right in the middle of a fight?"

I open my mouth to speak but nothing came out so I just stayed quiet, "We could have stopped him, but your over protectiveness got in the way; you need to stop be so overprotective we are old enough to take care of ourselves". I look away in shaming, I couldn't help being overprotective. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say. So I just started walking away, not wanting to look at any of them in the eye, I make my home. 

No one pov -

"Welp time to go home" Leo says as he makes a portal home. "Do you guys think I went a little too far" Mikey says looking at his brothers for an answer felling a guilty for yelling at his brother. The two twins look at each other, *************************they both stay silent for a minute before they both shrug it off walking towards the portal Leo made. Mikey sighs as he slowly followed his older brothers looking back at the place Raph had left before stepping into the portal. When they were home, they all separated ways, Leo to his room, Donnie went to his lab, and Mikey making his way to Raphs room to apologize. Mikey knocks on the door to Raphs room peaking in slowly "Raph are you in here" he asked softly, no answer. Mikey sighs and walks away making him way to his own room feeling guilty for yelling at his brother. 

(With Raphael)

Raph was still walking home, using the shadows making sure he could not be seen. He was arguing with mind Raph at the moment, thinking back to the fight he just had with his brother. Could he really call it a fight? He thought. "Mikey's right my overprotectiveness does get in the way a lot, but I can't help it I'm the older brother it's my job to be worried about them." Raph whispered/yelled while kicking a can that was on the ground of the alley he was walking through. "I can't help it if I worried about them... Do I actually worry about them that much thought?" Raph was stuck in his head all the way home wondering if maybe it's time to just stop being the big brother and back off. 

"Maybe it's about time I take off the protective seat belt for them" Raph sighs to himself, making his way into his room. Maybe he should just stop being the overprotective brother he is and lets his brother flee. He flops onto his bed with a groan rubbing his head that still hurt, as his vison starts to get blurry, he lays down resting his head on his pillow closing his eyes falling asleep. 


Thats the first Chapter done, make sure to eat and drink some water today :D

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