Chapter Four - Part 1

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We stay inside the bathroom for hours, in the same position, until we are sure the Zombies are gone.

I have run out of tears, though the pain and anguish still won't leave my almost numb body.

As soon as Ace pulls away to stand up, I feel a void. I felt so good in his arms, but I don't stop him. I want to get out of this bathroom that is full of memories.

He returns after a few seconds and holds out a hand to help me up. "The house is clear." I nod and grab his warm hand.

With a shaky step, I make my way to the kitchen, aware that my father's body is still lying on the floor. The only thing I feel when I see him is his absence, an immense void that can no longer be filled, a loving parent gone. At least now he and my mother can be together forever.

"If you want I can..." says Ace, pointing at the lifeless body on the ground.

"Yes." I don't have the heart to say more.

He picks my dad up like he weighs nothing and walks out of the house. I lock the door behind them and start to do some cleaning, more to distract myself than for the pleasure of it. And then I must find a way to keep myself busy until Ace returns.

The world has changed in an indescribable way. No one walks the streets anymore so no one will question why Ace carries the body of a dead man in his arms.

If it had been thirty years ago my father would have received a proper funeral, full of people who would have said nice things about him even if they didn't mean them, and I would have written the speech for his eulogy. He would have deserved a burial with a coffin, headstone, flowers and all. I would have had him buried next to my mother, or maybe, if I had the money, I would have put them together in those marriage caskets, and maybe even commission a chapel. I will never know what it would have been like to live in the world that we had been told about, but that most didn't have a chance to experience. We'll know what history will say, assuming we get to live that long.

What I do know for sure is what lies ahead. Survival, the most important thing. Ace won't be there forever to protect me, I have to learn to get by on my own.

The first thing I do is to cover the holes in the glass of the front door with sheets, then I take a wet cloth and start washing the blood off the floor and walls.

Half an hour must have passed when there is a knock on the door. I gasp. The constant fear that lives in every living being right now overrides all other emotions.

I grab my broom and approach the doo where I see a tall, powerful figure through the sheet. After taking a deep breath I jerk open the door with my left hand, and with the other I bring the wooden stick down on whoever knocked with all the strength I possess.

He blocks the blow with one hand. "Nice move, but it's just me." I release the breath I've been holding. It's only Ace. I let him in and walk back into the kitchen, reassembling the broom and leaning it against the wall.

"We'll sleep here tonight," he announces, appearing behind me.

"Okay." I start brushing the floor for I don't know how long, with him sizing me up the whole time. I check the fridge for food – there's very little – and check if the things in the cupboard are still there. I had gone out that awful night to bring supplies home and never returned. My dad has barely eaten since I left. He tried to ration the supplies, running out of energy during the Zombie attack that killed him.

"Lottie..." Ace sounds weary from the sluggish tone of his voice. When he stands in front of me, I can see his bloodshot eyes and worn face. "Talk to me. Let it all out. Don't keep it all inside." But I have nothing to say.

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