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I finally pull up to the back of the club in my hot ride, I make sure to change into my outfit for the night and put a coat over it. I get out my beautiful golf cart and meet one of the security guards at the back entrance so he can let me in.

Once I'm in the place I see one of my favorite co-workers (Ray) walking up to me. "Hey Chris" I say as I give him a nice, tight, long hug. -We call him Chris because he looks like Chris Hemsworth-

"Carry what did I tell you about calling me that.." He looks at me with those serious, demanding chocolate eyes and that's when I know he's not taking shit today.

Me and Ray have a sorta long history together. He was friends with my ex husband Pete, and when he found out about the whole cheating situation, he dropped Pete and started comforting me. We were hooking up every night almost and he is the reason that I have this job,  without him my family and I would be broke and living on the streets, so I am very thankful for him.

I finished talking to Ray about the things I needed to get today and started heading towards my dressing room. I read the name on the door labeled "Kitty Passion Shock" and I knew it was mine since that's my stripper name.

I picked that name because this kitty..is full of passion and shocks everyone that comes near it, so that is where I got my inspiration from.

"Carry, your going on in 5." The stage host manager said outside my door. I quickly changed into my outfit which was a red lace swimsuit type thing.

After I finished getting all my things together, I heard my name being called. I made my way towards the stage. Looking behind the curtain I saw lots of people, both men and woman sitting with drinks in there hands waiting for me to come out after the girl on stage now.

Once I got on stage, I did my best routine yet. I trapped the cold, metal pole and swung around a few times while putting my legs in the air. I dropped it low a few times too and that had bands after bands being thrown my way. Even had a few hundred bills in my bra by the end of it.

Me and Ray were walking back to my golf cart together and I was about to get in my car when he started talking. "Hey carry, can I ask you something?" I looked at him in confusion and nodded by head causing him to continued talking, "Would you mind if I just stopped by your house sometime? Just check up on the kids and maybe help you out? I haven't seen them in a while." He hesitantly asked.

"Idk why you seem so scared to ask me you can always help out with those bad ass nigglets."

He laughed and we continued to talk for a few more minutes before we both decided to go home.

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