Chapter Four: Girls Night

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"Let's have a girls night!" Anette said as she walked into the kitchen to Adelia making breakfast. "We can do each others nails and hair and get those face masks that makes us look like animals!" Adelia listened silently while flipping pancakes. "We could dress up in pajamas and take a hot bath and then pamper ourselves!"

"That sounds like hell," Adelia finally said.

"It's not that bad," Anette said back. "It'll be funnnn!"

"It'll be painful." Adelia turned off the stove and out 6 pancakes on a plate.

"What about it sounds painful?" Anette asked, grabbing one.

"The mask."

"They're paper masks, Adelia."

"Still, gross." Adelia took the pancakes to the table where it was already set up. "I remember when Marilyn made me do that for a job, it hurt.. bad."

"Well I'm not making you do it," Anette said sadly. Adelia immediately turned her point of view around to fit Anette's

"I'll do it as long as you don't make me wax or something like that," Adelia said, biting her pancake.

"Deal!" Anette said happily. "I'll make it the best experience you've ever had!"

(A/W) I wanted this chapter to be all about Sherry and Marilyn's relationship but then I had this idea and I couldn't not do it. I also thought it was the perfect opportunity to get my headcannons in lol. Also since it's a canonical thing in the show about how Adelia likes rap music so much, I wanted to involve some but I don't know any rap songs, so if you have something I can use, comment it please!!!! Thank you!!!

Adelia on the ground as Anette painted her toe nails carefully. She wasn't sure if she was uncomfortable or not. She just knew this was something new to her.

"Done! Look at how pretty!" Anette said smiling.

".. they're toes," Adelia said back. Anette frowned.

"Not the toes, look at how pretty the color is!"

"You mean the red? That I chose? I already knew it was pretty." Anette sighed.

"You're not fun," she said laying down next to Adelia in the ground.

"I told you it's hell," she said laying down as well. Anette played with Adelia's curls as Adelia closed her eyes. Anette focused on her scarred arms, thinking the question she always wanted to ask but couldn't.

"Adelia," she started. "Where'd you get the scar on your thumb?" She asked, softly,

"I was playing with a knife and I accidentally cut into my skin." Anette looked at another scar. She tapped it with the edge of her fingernail.

"What about this one?"

"Me and my friend were playing and I ran through a berry bush, a long branch got me."
She tapped another.

"This one?"

"Was terrorizing a dog and it got its revenge."

"This one?"

"I wanted to see how many glasses I could stake on eachother and when they fell I also fell right into the shards."

"How about this one?"

"Gary gave that to me because I wa being annoying, deserved it to be honest." Anette tapped one on her forearm. It wasn't the most visible but she could still see it.

"This one?" Adelia paused. Anette immediately thought she said something wrong. "Oh im sorry, i shouldn't really be ask-"

"I got that one when you were being held captive," she paused. "I thought it was a fist fight but the dude brought I knife, after I got cut I sucker punched him and he dropped the knife." Anette looked at Adelia's face. She was as calm as she usually was, less snarky but still herself. Her eyes still closed as she proceeded. "His buddy had a knife too, jabbed me right in the side." Anette felt like she shouldn't have been surprised, after all, it was Adelia, but she was. Not only was she surprised, she was heartbroken. Just because Anette was in scared Adelia wasn't, she wasn't scared. She wasn't scared was she?

"Were you scared?" Anette asked, knowing the answer would be no.

"No," Adelia said, "I was terrified." Anette sat up and stared at Adelia. Adelia was scared? Of course she was. She was stabbed in the side. Just because she knew how to fight didn't mean she wasn't scared for her life.

"How scared were you?"

"Enough to not be able to explain." Anette laid back down next to Adelia who was softly breathing quietly. She burrowed he head into Adelia's chest. After a while of laying there, she began to fall asleep in her arms, dreaming of the same person she was right next to. Adelia. Anette loved Adelia. She didn't say it enough, but she did. And Adelia loved Anette. She didn't say it enough, but she did. Adelia had no words for Anette and Anette had non as well. They liked it this way, it felt natural.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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