Chapter 1

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Lan Wangji was standing in front of the main gate to the Cloud Recesses and was waiting for guest disciples and their entourage to arrive from all different sects in the cultivation world. Tomorrow was the day when the guest lectures were to start and almost everyone had already arrived. Everyone with the exception of the delegation from the Yunmeng Jiang sect.

Since Jiang Fengmian had confirmed participation of his son, his daughter and the head disciple, they should have been here already. It was not as if Lotus Pier was farther away than for example Koi Tower. And the Lanling Jin sect disciples had already arrived hours ago, including the unsufferable sect heir Jin Zixuan.

So where was the Yunmeng Jiang delegation? Could it be something had happened on their way?

It seemed like Lan Xichen who was waiting here together with Lan Wangji also realized that something may be amiss. He looked down the steep path leading down the mountain and said pensively: "Young Master Jiang, Maiden Jiang and Young Master Wei should have already been here. I wonder what could have made them this late. Night is almost falling and if they do not come soon, the barrier will have to be sealed until morning."

Lan Wangji did not deem it necessary to say anything. His brother already knew that he had the same concerns. Though for different reasons.

Lan Xichen was worried for the Yunmeng Jiang sect disciples while he was more concerned about the rules that they may need to break later if the delegation would not come in time. What were Jiang Wanyin, Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian thinking? Did they not know that it was rude to be late for the lectures? It could even warrant them being send back home if an elder was in a bad mood.

Not that Lan Wangji would mind if they were turned back from the gate and asked to leave. He would even be glad perhaps. He had heard many stories about the head disciple of the Yunmeng Jiang sect and before even meeting him after a long time, he was pretty certain they would come head to head sooner rather than later.

His brother had already warned him that people from Yunmeng were more free-spirited than the disciples of the Gusu Lan sect. But that seemed to be a great understatement. At least according to those rumours about how wild, untamed and mischievous Wei Wuxian in fact was. While he was one of the greatest cultivators of their generation and had won many tournaments and night hunting competitions, Lan Wangji could not find it in himself to like him.

They had met several times in the past and the other boy had always been way too familiar with him. Well, truth to be told, not just with him but with basically everyone. He always had a smile on his lips and never stopped talking. Whenever Lan Wangji saw him, he always got a headache. Wei Wuxian was too much for him to handle.

Lan Xichen had indeed not been waiting for his reply and he continued, as pensive and worried as ever: "Maybe we should send someone to look for them, in case there had been an accident on their way."

Lan Wangji continued looking down the mountain path. He could feel his brother's gaze on his person and he knew what was coming.

"Wangji, how about you go down the path and I will send out several disciples to go search from the above? It can also be that they had been delayed even before entering the mountain and have decided to stay in an inn to wait for morning. We will check there as well."

Fighting with himself, Lan Wangji nodded his head. He of course had nothing against Lan Xichen's way of thinking or his decision. It was just that he could already feel a headache building up and he had not even seen Wei Wuxian yet. It would indeed be a very long year of guest lectures.

Without waiting for further directions, he gripped tighter his sword, bowed politely to his brother and started descending the mountain. It was quickly getting dark and Lan Wangji hastened his steps. He was not running, running was forbidden in the Cloud Recesses, but he was definitely walking briskly. He could not afford to miss the time for closing of the gates or he would be locked outside as well. That would displease him.

Deep down, he was starting to get the feeling that this was possibly another one of Wei Wuxian's little pranks. From what he had heard, it would definitely fit that troublemaker's style. Lan Qiren had warned him in advance and cautioned him against the Yunmeng Jiang sect head disciple in advance. Apparently, he had once been classmates with his mother and knew her character the best.

Lan Wangji did not have any reason to not believe him and he was cautious about Wei Wuxian way before meeting him and inviting him to wreak havoc on his sect's sacred grounds.

He only made it down several turns of the path when he heard voices from up ahead. They were still too far away for him to catch the whole conversation but he already noticed that there were two male voices, one whiny and they other one angry, and one soothing female one. He must have run into the Yunmeng Jiang sect party.

He wanted to continue walking down the stairs and meet them as soon as possible. They all needed to hurry or they would be camping outside of the gates tonight. However, something stopped him from advancing. Despite his education and his own conscience, he stood there and listened in on the conversation.

"A-Xian, please, we need to hurry so we arrive in time. You know that the Gusu Lan sect is very strict with their rules and principles. We cannot be late." The female voice said with a hint of desperation. It must have been Jiang Yanli trying to convince her brothers to hurry up. Lan Wangji was thankful, they had the same objective.

It however did not seem like her brothers were too willing to listen to her. Or at least one of them. "Come on Shijie, what would happen if we take our time? I am tired already," there was a sound of yawning accompanying that statement, "why do we not rest here for tonight? It is not like the lectures are starting today. We still have plenty of time to avoid the infamous Gusu Lan sect rules..."

The angry voice interrupted and it was echoing all throughout the forest and the mountain path: "Wei Wuxian, get a grip already! Stop whining like some maiden who is about to see their betrothed for the first time and is scared out of her wits. Do you hear me complaining about all the rules? You better be on your best behaviour from now on. No freaking out during the night as you do lately."

"It is not like I can help it," now the first male voice, it must have been Wei Wuxian, was way more subdued, "I never remember anything from those dreams. I just have a bad feeling about coming here. Like something is about to happen. And about Second Young Master Lan..."

Lan Wangji never learned what Wei Wuxian wanted to say about him as the three disciples came into view right then and stopped when they saw his figure standing on the stairs. Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin got over their surprise quickly and bowed to him in greeting. He reciprocated.

However, Wei Wuxian did nothing of the sort. His eyes went wide and shone in the falling darkness as if he was scared to death. He shook his head and he backed away. Unfortunately, he missed the step below and if it had not been for Jiang Wanyin, he would have fallen down. The next second, he went limp in his brother's arms and lowered his head. His lips were moving in an incessant stream of silent: "No, no, no..."

A series of images flashed in front of Lan Wangji's eyes and strange feelings overtook his heart for a second. Lan Wangji coming up the stairs in a different set of robes, the same ones he had worn few hours prior when he had been returning from his night hunt. His chest felt tight and there was a mixture of admiration, curiosity and infatuation mixed in. Lan Wangji greeting Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli. Lan Wangji walking around at a measured pace and continuing up the stairs without looking anywhere else but up ahead.

Lan Wangji's head was turning and his breath was accelerated. What in the world was that? 

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