Coming Together

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"Alexis!" Daphne says as she sees Alexis come into the diner with the Funky Phantom Crew.

"Daphne!" Alexis says happily as she goes over and hugs Daphne.

"You're okay! What happened?" Daphne asks worriedly.

"I fell into a hole after getting separated from you guys. Skip found me and helped me out though." Alexis says.

"Well thank you for that." Daphne says as she glares at Skip.

"So did you guys find any clues?" Fred asks.

"No. Did you?" Skip asks.

"No." Daphne says.

"Oh yeah? Then what's that?" Skip asks as he gestures to something Velma is holding.

"Nothing. What's that?" Velma asks seeing April holding a box.

"Nothing." April says.

"Okay this is just silly. We really should be working together." Velma says.

"I agree. Here." April says as she brings over the box to Velma.

"Hey!" Skip says.

"Oh be quiet Skip. We found this. Do you know what it is?" April asks as Velma looks at the box.

"Hmm. I know exactly what this is. And now this memory stick totally makes sense." Velma says.

"About time." Alexis thinks.

"A memory stick? Is it like a broomstick but for your brainy bits?" Funky Phantom asks scaring Scooby and Shaggy in the process.

"I read stuff in the history books about the lost payroll of 1863. It must be what they're after." Augie says.

"Which would explain those holes." Skip says.

"And why some of them were so deep.. Thanks again for that." Alexis says as she blushes slightly.

"Oh uh.. heh.. Anytime." Skip says as Alexis smiles at him.

"The payroll Sargent trapped behind enemy lines buried the gold and made a map to it. It's been lost for over a century." Fred says.

"Scooby! Shaggy! Come on now." Alexis says as Scooby and Shaggy run over and hide behind her.

"You must find the lost payroll gold, give it to the ghosts and then they can rest in peace." The ghost of Abraham Lincoln says before he disappears.

"Hold the phone. The fake ghost of Abraham Lincoln has a point. If we find the gold we could use it to lure in the ghost Sargent and trap him." Fred says.

"A trap. That's totally my thing." Augie says happily.

"No! Excuse me that's my thing!" Fred says.

"Guys why don't you just build the trap together." April says as Alexis nods.

"But first we have to find the gold." Daphne says.

"There must be something we've over looked." Velma says.

"Guys look. Invisible ink. The heat from the candle is bringing it out." Alexis says as Velma and Skip put their maps together.

"The old fort. That must be where the ghost hid the gold." Fred says.

"If we let the ghost get his map back when he comes for the gold we can trap him." Velma says.

"Great! But who's gonna be the bait?" Skip asks.

"We know some people who could do that job." Alexis says as everyone looks at Shaggy and Scooby.

A Mystery To Be Solved Scooby Doo And Guess Who Skip X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now