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[Two months after Avengers: Endgame/ Four months before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Nessa sat staring impatiently at the test in her hands.

Bucky, who was sitting, next to her, said, "Patience, doll."

"What if this isn't positive?" she asked softly.

"Then we'll try again. I know how much you want to raise a child, Ness."

"I'm scared, James."

"Scared of what?"

"What if I'm not a good mother?"

"Ness, you're the sweetest, most gentle woman I've ever met, and I'm glad we can share this life together. You're going to make an amazing mother. Trust me."

She looked at the test. "James, tell me I'm not dreaming."

Bucky looked at the test. "Two pink lines. We're gonna have another baby. You're not dreaming, Ness."

"If I'm being honest, I'm scared."

"Honestly, I am too. But we'll get through it together."

She nodded slowly and moved closer to him. "I'm glad I can have this chance with you."

"I am too."

Nessa smiled softly. "We're going to have another baby."

"Yes we are."

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