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Time and time again, Bucky pushes Lilly away. But his actions have consequences, and those consequences make Lilly do things she doesn't want.
And if it means protecting Bucky from himself, then she will do anything. Even if it means doing nothing.

The meeting with Nagel was a disaster, to say the least

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The meeting with Nagel was a disaster, to say the least. Zemo had killed him without hesitation, and all and every information he had, had died with him. Without much to do, they decided to go back to the US. Sam called Torres on their way home, and the soldier informed them that Madani had died. While Zemo changed the airplane's course, Lilly sat alone, looking out the window and imagining what horrible things awaited them in Riga, Latvia.

They landed, and Zemo took them to his apartment in the city center. Although everything seemed to be going smoothly, Lilly found herself again lost in thought walking the cobblestone streets. Her mind was brought back to the present when Bucky told them he needed to go for a walk.

He was already a couple of steps away when Lilly called for him, asking if he was okay. If everything was fine. Bucky gave her a short nod and walked up to her, giving her a kiss on the wrist. Feeling her pulse point with his nose. He turned to leave, but again she interrupted him. "I'm going to buy some pies then. Been craving those things for a few days now. Would you like any specific one?" Bucky shook his head and was on his way.

Lilly took a deep breath and asked the same question to Sam and Zemo, making sure to mentally note their requests. When the two men were finally out of her view, she followed Bucky.

A few turns here and there, and they finally stopped at an intersection. Bucky played with something Lilly couldn't see but that she for sure knew what they were. She rolled her shoulders, waiting for what was to come, but she didn't have to wait too long.

Ayo walked down the street and had a brief conversation with Bucky. After chastising him for freeing Zemo, she gave him eight hours to complete his task. Giving her a thankful and understanding nod Bucky parted ways and headed back to the apartment. From the store window Lilly had hidden from them, she watched Ayo turn her way and stare at her. The woman took her phone from her pocket, and soon, Lilly's phone rang.

"White Wolf plays a dangerous game."

Sighing instead of answering, she only nodded. Motion that Ayo did understand.

"Lillian, we helped him, and now he is free from the shackles in his mind. He still needs someone to ground him to the present and let the past rest."

"I know. I know. It's just-"

"You have eight hours as well."

"Thank you, Ayo."

"You're welcome."

Lilly hung up and watched Ayo go. She closed her eyes, trying to regain some sort of control over her emotions. Walking down the street, she entered the first pâtisserie she found. Although she had been dreaming of mouthwatering pies for the last few days, the deliciously looking pastries displayed in front of her only made her feel sick. Swallowing the bile, she ordered what Sam and Zemo had asked and one more she was sure Bucky would like before returning to the apartment.

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