F o u r t e e n

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PENELOPE did not let herself go until she was safely in her rooms. Once alone, she shrieked into her pillow. Angry tears followed too. What the hell did he think he was doing? Didn't he understand that his alternatives were worse than her present? She cried long and hard before finally gripping her nerves tight. Penelope meant what she said. She wouldn't let him fire her.

The days creeped along with haste, as if Father Time understood her predicament and wanted a laugh. She couldn't understand how the servants knew, but Penelope knew they did. There was respect between her and her staff now, so the stares and whispers weren't as naked as before. Still, there were questions behind their glances. The tension was thick at Hawthorne. Would she stay or would she go? Everyone wanted to know.

Curiously, Lord Hawthorne avoided her. There were no summons to his study or tutorials on whatever tasks needed doing. He stayed away from her. It made Penelope wonder what he had up his sleeve. It turned out her employer was banking on the element of surprise. One day, Penelope caught him in her room. He was staring out her window. Penelope gasped.

"Sorry. Did I scare you?"

"Do you make a habit of turning up in people's rooms uninvited?"

"Necessary evil," replied the earl. "You know, considering."

Penelope crossed her arms. "What do you want?"

Lord Hawthorne sighed. "I'd like to stop playing this game. It's been twelve days."


"I see you still haven't arranged your things."

"I told you, I'm not leaving."

"Miss Redwood."


"Are you really going to force my hand?"

"Are you really going to turn me out by force?"

His jaw tightened. "I'm not an animal."

"I disagree. I know a priggish, self-righteous cow when I see one."

He drew in a deep breath. "Life is not perfect, Miss Redwood. Sometimes, one must make sacrifices."

"Don't lecture me about sacrifices as if I am a child."

The Earl's eyes glowed with fury. "I thought you didn't have a problem calling an apple an apple."


"You're acting like a fucking child."

Penelope's left eye twitched. "Get out of my room."

"Miss Redwood–"


Surprisingly, the Earl obeyed. Penelope resisted the urge to stew like a child in her room before getting on with her work. She told herself she was beyond being petty and childish about the whole thing, but she couldn't help it. Penelope decided to return the favor and visit his rooms next.

She did not expect the Earl to emerge from the washroom. A towel hung around his waist. Penelope swallowed.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Penelope didn't flinch. "I thought I might return the favor."

"Get out." His voice was stone. "Do you have any idea what people would think if they knew you were inside my room?"

"No one knows I'm here."

"You're undoing everything I'm trying to do for you," he hissed.

"Is the problem really what people might think?"

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