Chapter 4

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(Haruko's POV)

A few minutes after Hiroto and me were done eating, we went to go see Soul and Maka. 'I hope that I find my parents.' I thought. I couldn't stop thinking about finding my parents. I just feel really sorry that Hiroto's family is dead. When we got to Soul's and Maka's apartment, we knocked on the door. "Who is it?" a male voice said.

"Um. Two students at the DWMA." I said.

A female with dirty blonde hair opened the door. I'm guessing she's Maka.

"Is your name Maka?" I asked.

"Yes. Do you two need something?" Maka asked.

"Um. We were just going to ask you something." I said.

"Ok. Soul come here." Maka said.

"Who are they?" Soul asked.

"I'm Haruko and he's my meister, Hiroto." I said.

"They want to ask us something." Maka said.

"Ok. Ask us anything." Soul said.

"Um. We were just wondering if you two had a daughter." I said.

"We did. We just have no idea what happened to her." Soul said.

"I don't know anything about my parents, except that my mom is a meister and my dad is a weapon." I said.

"I'm a meister and Soul is a weapon." Maka said.

"Just tell me something. Do you love to read?" Soul asked.

"Yes. I read whenever I have some free time." I said.

"Definitely a child of Maka. " Soul said.

"What about you? She is like mini you." Maka said.

"True." Soul said, "Was that all you wanted to ask?"

"Yes, sir." I said.

"Come on. Let's go back to the apartment." Hiroto said.

"Ok. Bye." I said waving to Soul and Maka.

"Bye." they said at the same time.

<Few Minutes Later>

"We found my parents. I just wish that your family wasn't dead." I said.

"Me too. I really miss them, but they would want me to live a happy life." Hiroto said.

"Yeah. I'm going to tell my friend that we found my parents." I said.

"Ok." Hiroto said.

Me: Guess what?

Beth: What?

Me: Hiroto and me found my parents. I can finally say that I have a mom and dad, and know them.

Beth: Awesome. Do you know where Hiroto's parents are?

Me: They're dead.

Beth: Really? Wow.

Me: Yeah. That's what I said when he told me.

Beth: Guess what?

Me: What?

Beth: My parents said that I could visit you in Death City.

Me: Really?!

Beth: Yep. I'm really excited. I get to see your meister, and you of course. You're my best friend.

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