Chapter 41 - Treading Water

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"And that's the long and the short of it, captain," Trevor finished explaining. He, Amerigo, and Chicken were again in the captain's quarters, this time explaining why the two picked up by the Hereafter did not need to go home, but instead to be dropped off even further from the shore.

"You are requesting, on their behalf, that we go beyond the continental shelf in order to let these small creatures besiege an underwater fortress?"

The elf spoke calmly but firmly. Trevor gulped.

"You're asking me to follow a chart revealed to you in a dream so that a halfling and a kobold can dive down to dark depths and confront the same power that has been raising the water level worldwide for the past some-odd years?"

The navigator's mouth went dry.

"And in doing so, you expect me to risk the life of my ship and those onboard by sailing forbidden waters with hard-earned goods in storage?"

The captain's stare was casual but nonetheless icy. It zapped out of existence what little hope Trevor had for helping the two castaways. He didn't dare to look down at either of them. He focused his effort at taking the captain's glare.

It had been pointless, Trevor thought while trying to produce answers for the questions that hung in the air like vengeful spirits. The fate of the world hung on the shoulders of a small lizard person no one had heard of, guided by a bearded fellow who wore seaweed, who had to go to a place seen in Trevor's dreams?

"Consider it done," the captain said suddenly.

"But what about everything you just said?" he blurted.

"For someone who works with stars, I would expect you to have a little more faith, Mr. Tweesly. I entrusted the care of these two creatures to you, and if they are involved in some fate, as you say, it's not my place to obstruct them." He worked his wrist as he talked with his eyes closed. "As my navigator, I trust you implicitly with affairs of the heavens."

Trevor let out the tension he had been holding.

He turned to Gorestomp and continued, "I will, however, entrust with you the plan of attack."


Preparations began immediately for the delivery of the two castaways to their ultimate destination. Trevor found the chart from his dream quicker than if he had known what he was looking for to begin with.

With the heading devised, Gorestomp worked with Trevor on the specifics of his dream.

"It was like a black needle in a sea of ink. I was able to sense windows and was laid out like a keep. And always there was this pulse coming from it."

The minotaur listened sternly as Trevor raved. Finally, he spoke.

"Judging by the location and your description, it must be deep underwater indeed." He spread his hands on the charts Trevor had left out on his desk. "However, the attack we felt at the mining docks tells me something as well. They were primitive, uncoordinated, and small in number. If that is the force they send to test the coastlines, it makes me hopeful that it describes their main body."

He looked at Chicken and Amerigo.

"They will need a distraction."


"You've never had t'mine in flooded conditions, lad," Cookie said, filling a keg with the concoction that drove off the merfolk in the attack at the shore.

"We call these depth charges. Th'wick burns underwater. It's easy t'set even in damp conditions. Give it a knock and you've got till it stops glowin' t'get out of there."

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