Chapter 1 Entering the world of the living!

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It was another beautiful day in the Soul Society as an (H/C) haired beauty walked through the halls of the first division's compound silently, the only sounds were her footsteps. She was called by none other than Head Captain Yamamoto himself. When she finally reached his office she knocked softly on the door.

"Come in." A stern but gentle voice said.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Head Captain, but you had summoned me?" The young soul reaper said, bowing in respect.

"Ah yes... I have an assignment for you in the world of the living." He started as she walked further into his office. "It seems as though there is an infestation of hollows in a city called Tokyo. Exterminate them. Read this file to learn the details. Is that understood.... Captain L/N Y/N?" He said handing the girl a folder. She smiled at the elder in front of her.

"Understood Head Captain." She said as her eyes glistened with excitement. Y/N was very excited about going back to the world of the living. Her friends were there, on top of her favorite sweet in the world, Dorayaki!

"Good you are dismissed." Yamamoto said going back to his work. The young soul reaper nodded and rushed out squealing all the while.

"She still hasn't changed I see." Lieutenant Sasakibe said as he listened to the girl's squeals of excitement.

"Yes. Let us hope that her temper has though." Yamamoto said as he continued his paperwork. Sasakibe sweatdropped as he remembered how bad Y/N's temper was.

As she got back to her compound Y/N decided to text Ichigo on the soul phone she gave him.

Captain Badass😈:
Hey! Ichigo! I got a mission in the world of the living! Want to meet up somewhere with Uruyu, Orihime, and Chad?

Sure! Geez how long has it been since you came back? I can't wait to see you again Y/N. Where are you gonna be stationed at?

Captain Badass😈:
Ik! I can't wait to see all of you too! And it's in a place called Tokyo.

Oh.. Seriously? Well be careful there. There are a lot of gangs there. Groups of people that are very dangerous.

Captain badass😈:
Read the name. Am I scared? No, absolutely not! I deal with things humans couldn't even fathom! Anyway I gotta go get ready. I'll see you there later! 😘

Yeah ok. Just be careful. See ya.

Y/N put her phone down and went to get herself and her twin Zonpakutos, Saika and Yami, ready. Once she was done, she made her way to the garganta. The gate between the world of the living and the soul society. As soon as she arrived, Y/N noticed all the captains there ready to wish their fellow captain a safe voyage.

"You all didn't need to come ya know?" Y/N said as she walked to the front of the gate. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair swayed as she walked.

"We know Darling. We just wished to say goodbye and that we will miss you." A white haired male said. His soft brown eyes staring into hers.

"Yeah babe. Plus I was wondering if you could do me the honor of giving me a goodbye kiss~" A brown haired male said wiggling his eyebrows. The soft wind blew his Sakura haori and his brown lazy eyes eyed the young girl. Suddenly a rock was thrown at the male's head.

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