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Mom and Dad started the divorce process and today I was moving out, so Ricky was helping me bring my bags and boxes down to my car.

"Raven." Mom calls me over as I walk down the stairs behind Dad and Ricky.

"Yeah, Mom?" I ask as she sits there frowning.

"I'm so sorry about all the ways I made you feel. I hate that I brought up weight knowing how sensitive you are to it. It's not an excuse, but it's because of my Mom. She kept telling me to bring stuff up to you lately and I always tried to tell her no, but she wouldn't take no. I'm so sorry for ever saying I didn't want you. You are such an amazing daughter and person. I really think you and Ricky have a long, happy future together. I wish I could take back everything I said, but I can't and all I can do is keep apologizing to you. I'm so sorry, Raven Munro Vinicius." Mom apologizes as she starts to cry making my eyes water.

"I hate everything you said, but I love you, Mom. Hopefully over some time we can get past your Mom trying to control you so we can have a good connection again. Then maybe you and Dad can talk, cause I can see how in love with him you still are, Mom. I actually have something for you to see." I say as I sniffle and Mom nods.

I pull out my phone and show her the recording of Dad talking. When the video finishes, Mom starts crying making me hug her.

"I love Balthazar so much, but I've treated him so horribly. Just like how I treated you." Mom cries as I rub her back and sniffle.

"Dad is still so in love with you and he still wants to be with you." I whisper as Mom starts crying harder.

"I need to talk to him and not let my Mother get in the way this time." Mom says as she tries slowing her cries down.

"One second, Mom." I smile as I walk outside.

"Dad." I say making him turn away from Ricky.

"Mom needs you." I say making Dad run inside.

"What's wrong?" Ricky asks as I lean into him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Mom told me that she's been being controlled by her own Mother and that she's still in love with Dad." I say as Ricky hums.

"Hopefully everything can get smoothed out." Ricky says as I nod.

"I really hope so." I say as I lean up and kiss Ricky.

After a while, Dad comes out with Mom and they're smiling while holding hands.

"It's been so long since I've seen them that happy." I smile at Ricky, making him smile with me.

"Hi, Ricky. I'm Stella Vinicius." Mom smiles as I move out of Ricky's arms, and Mom hugs him, making him smile a bit as he hugs her back.

"I'm so sorry we got off on the wrong foot." Mom apologizes as Ricky nods.

"Well, it can all be worked out." Ricky smiles as Mom smiles back.

"So?" I ask as Mom and Dad smile at each other.

"I told Balthazar everything, and we're not getting divorced." Mom smiles as Dad grins with a nod.

"That's great!" I grin as I hug them both.

"Are you still moving in with Ricky?" Dad asks as I nod.

"Yeah, we want to live together, seeing as I'm basically already living with him." I smile as we all laugh.

"I hope you don't mind me having her move in without permission." Ricky says as Mom and Dad shake their heads.

"We don't mind at all, honey. We can see how much you care about her." Mom smiles as Dad nods.

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