The accident

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You looked down at the engraved stone. The rain pittered against the fabric of your umbrella. Your coat blew in the wind, rain slapping against your body but it didn't matter. The wind whistled in your ear as if trying to offer some comfort. The flowers petals were shaking with the plastic making loud crinkling sounds.

A strange emptiness enveloped your body. You couldn't even remember them. You closed your eyes, the haziness surrounded your memories. You were thankful for the temporary amnesia. You assumed if you didn't have it you'd be sobbing at their graves.

Your bandaged hand placed the flowers down as you traced their names gently. (M/n) (L/n). You placed a hand gently on the tombstone rubbing it softly with your thumb.

"I'm sorry I really wished I remember you...I know I will and it will hurt...just know I'll never forget you again" you whispered placing her flowers gently on her stone.

You sighed as you were on your knees. The grass was wet and mushy against the tights you were wearing under the black dress you borrowed. You get up and move to your pa's grave which was right next to your moms. You placed his flowers down as well.

"Sorry if you don't like the flowers" you laughed gently.

You lifted yourself off the ground as you wiped off the grass from your knees and shins. You took this moment to fix the bandages around your head. The fabric was itchy but you knew you couldn't take it off.

You limp across the uneven ground. The sky was dark as if it was mourning for you. The rain that fell from the sky was like a replacement for your own. You looked up the rain splashing against your face and racing down your cheek hanging on your chin for a moment before rolling down you neck. You felt so empty. Not even the dull pains along your body made you feel something

After all what was a person without their memories. Just someone wondering with no people, no aim. You pressed your free hand against your chest. You fiddled with the necklace. It was a locket. A picture of your parents, one was your mother the other of your father. They were younger in the picture, age hadn't touched their faces yet.

You walked to the town. You had no other family apparently. You looked like a corpse shamling through the lively town. Did you even exist?

The police gave you a paper ID. They also let you rent out a small apartment for a month but the next month you'd have to scrounge up the money yourself. At least you weren't going to be living out in the streets. You couldn't help but be grateful

You let out a sigh and you trudge on your clothes soaking. Well they weren't technically yours. You pressed your lips together waching your breath create a fog. You pursed your lips letting out a soft breath.

As entertaining as it was it didn't distract from the fact that the dress shagged and stuck to your skin like glue. You had been out here for too long.

You looked up at the small apartments. They gave a weird little cozy feeling with their brown color scheme. Moss and vines draped from the rafters. You make your way up the wooden stairs your hand pressing against the red railing as you struggle.

You grabbbed your umbrella and closed it the water dripping from it in droplets. You tucked it under your already wet arm. You needed both your hands. You grabbed onto the rail with one hand and grabbed your thigh with your other hand. You pulled yourself up the stairs.

The metal railing was slippery and you gasped as you slipped. You were falling and you hit yourself harshly against the steps feeling every single one press into your body harshly on your way down. You hit the floor with a thump and the umbrella clattered away from your grasp.

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