+=+ A Night At The Hospital +=+

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{ Your Point Of View }

It was currently nighttime at the hospital and almost all patients were asleep, the final petient that was awake was You. You normally stayed awake, habits.

"Sylveon!" Sylveon said

You struggled getting out of your bed so Sylveon was there to catch you when you had fallen off.

"Deino." Deino stated

"I'm alright!" You exclaimed quietly

Your room adorned many dull pinks and dull blues, all to your pleasure. Occasional small photos of Gym Leaders or the Galar Champion across the room.

You took a seat and stared out the large window in your hospital room, Deino and Sylveon sat down next to you looking out.

The Hospital was funded by Chairman Rose which was why every room was bedazzled to a patients need.

Sylveon pinned his ears at the sound of thunder cracking.

Deino hid behind the chair as you laughed softly.

"Don't worry guys! I might not be ready to move lots for a long time but I'll do my best to protect you! As soon as I'm all better we'll go explore Galar!" You promised

If you ever got better that is, doctors talked about your state constantly.

"Deino." Deino said

You smiled and watched the lightning strike in places unknown to you, it reminded you of Zapdos, Or at least the Galarian Zapdos.

You heard clatters of heels walking towards your room, the nurse was coming to check on you.

"Oh no!" You quietly shouted

You quickly got into bed with an assist from Deino pushing you legs up.

"Come on guys!" You said

Deino and Sylveon hopped onto the bed and laid down as you began to fake sleep, you were pretty good at it after doing it for quite the long time.

"Y/N? Are you asleep honey?" The nurse asked

No response.

"Of course, you sure get tired fast." She chuckled

She exited the room as you grumbled at the comment, just because your legs weren't as good as some other kids didn't mean you were finished when your legs did burn out.

"Sylveon!" Sylveon said

"Deino?" Deino responded

"I'm alright." You stated

You looked around the room to make sure no one was there before you sat up.

"I just want mom and dad. Too bad they don't come here, all the other kids parents come often." You admitted

You looked at a picture of Nessa and immediately lightened up, she was so tough, you wanted to be just like her.

You pat Deino on the head thinking about how cool it'd be to meet Gym Leaders of all kinds, they all didn't give up and kept moving at their lowest point. So why couldn't you?

You yawned and blinked at the window, you never pulled the drapes over it. You enjoyed seeing Galar illuminated by the many lights that were still on.

Sylveon wrapped his ribbons around your arm which seemed to alert you that you needed to sleep, sometimes you forgot about sleeping.

"Night Deino and Sylveon." You smiled

"Deino." Deino roared

"Sylveon." Sylveon replied

You laid down and pulled the blanket on top of you and your Pokémon, it didn't take you long to fall asleep right after doing so.

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