Chapter 16 So Alike

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Dean had taken to sitting in the waiting room instead of Dani's room. He was still festering over what she had said.

"I don't need a dad."

He didn't know how he even felt about the whole thing, but now that he didn't have a choice in the matter it made the whole thing worse. She didn't want him. And what the hell was wrong with him? Why the hell did he care? He didn't even know the kid.

He let out a frustrated huff before standing and starting to pace. There was a family in the other corner watching him. The woman's face hardened as she watched him. Clearly, he was adding to their own nerves. He made his way out into the hallway and froze when his eyes landed on a tanned trench coat and the man wearing it. He was at the information desk talking to the woman behind it who was shaking her head. Dean found that his feet were moving of their own accord.

"I'm sorry but only family are allowed-" The woman was saying

"CAS!" Dean called interrupting her.

Castiel turned his blue eyes landing on the hunter. Before he had even gotten a chance to say anything Dean had swallowed him up in a hug.

"Dean." Cas looped his arms around him burning his face in the other man's shoulder.

When Dean pulled away his mouth opened a closed like a fish.

"Cas I...I. Look, about..."

His eyes flashed to the woman behind the counter. He grabbed Castiel by the lapels and pulled him down one of the hallways.

"It's good to see you, Dean. Are you okay Sam told me-"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine Cas." Dean swallowed a couple of times to try and get the words out. "Look about what you said before the empty..."

Cas fell silent listening intently, almost hopefully. 

"I just...I wanted to say it back, but then before I could you were gone and I just...crap I'm not...I'm not saying this right." He blinked a few times before clearing his throat. "I'm just glad you're okay man. Dani is down the hall." He said lashing himself for the way he changed the subject.

Castiel's eyes softened a little.

"Of course Dean."

The two men made their way down the hall.

When they reached Dani's room they heard two voices. Sam had come back from the motel a couple of hours before to keep Dani company.

"Ow don't make me laugh it still hurts." She gasped still chuckling.

When they peeked around the corner they found Sam with his hand clapped over his chest laughing and Dani smiling back at him.

"I can't believe how awkward that was. They looked at you like you had two heads or something." She giggled. "You know sometimes your the dumbest smart person that I know."

"Ha, thanks." Sam scoffed.

Sam looked up spotting the two in the doorway.

"Cas, Hey."

"Sam." He nodded to Sam and then back to Dani. "Daniella."

"Hi, Cas." She waved politely if not a little awkwardly.

Cas stepped forward he pressed his pointer and middle finger to her four heads. In an instant, she felt better. Her hand drifted to her side. She pushed some gentle pressure to the area but still no pain. She looked up at the angel.

"Thank you." She muttered gratefully.

"You're welcome," Cas said he took a moment before speaking again. "I'm aware that I didn't exactly make the best first impression when we met last." He offered his hand to her. "I am Castiel."

Dani smiled warmly a complete contrast to their last introduction. She took his hand shaking it.

"I'm Daniella, but you can call me Dani."

"It's nice to meet you."

The two dropped hands.

Dean cleared his throat.

"Well, we should probably get you out of here before a doctor wants to know how you healed so fast." He said pulling the room's attention. Dani looked to Sam who nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll just get dressed." She slipped off the bed and collected the overnight bag that Sam had packed her in anticipation of finding her. She closed the bathroom door behind her.


Dean watched from the driver's seat of the Impala as Sam walked Dani up to her apartment complex. They didn't get halfway across the parking lot before she was practically dog piled by people that from what Sam had told him had to be Dani's family. Castiel was in the seat behind him, observing him.

"How are you doing with all this?" He asked.

"Just peachy."


"I...I don't know Cas. I haven't exactly had time to process it." Dean snapped. He took a breath willing himself to calm down. "She said something that...She said that she didn't need a dad."

"And that frustrates you." Cas's reply came more as a statement than a question.

"I don't know. I mean I should be relieved right? I mean I'm not exactly father material here."

"You did well with Jack."

"Yeah after I traumatised him and threatened to kill him."

"But you want to be her father." Again it came out as a statement.

Dean fell silent.

"What I want isn't what's important here. She is."

Castiel smiled softly from the back seat. Dean caught it in the rearview mirror.

"What?" Dean asked frowning at him through the mirror. When the angel didn't reply he turned his head to face him. "What?" He asked again.

"You love her already. That's exactly why you are, as you said father material."

"Cas I don't even know her."

"Even so. It's like I told you before the empty, you do everything for love. I have a feeling whatever you decide in this case will be no different."

The car fell silent. The two men stared at one another just taking each other in.

"Cas I...I missed you, man." Dean was poised to say more but before he could the passenger side door opened and Sam slid in. Dean turned to face his brother.

"She's fine. Hal said he'd stay and make them all dinner." Sam said cheerily.

"Hal's the old guy?" Dean asked.


Seemingly satisfied Dean started up the engine and started to peel out of the parking lot. Baby rumbled down the road for a few minutes before Sam spoke again.

"Did you and Dani get a chance to talk?"

"A little," Dean said dismissively.


"And she doesn't need a Dad apparently. So I guess that's that."

"That's what she said?"


Sam started to laugh quietly to himself.

"What?!" Dean demanded.

"You're so alike it's not even funny." Sam sighed composing himself a little. "She minimising it to make it easier on you. Need and want are two different things Dean, that wasn't her rejecting you that...Dani doesn't like anyone being in her life unless they want to be there. She's taking off the pressure. Trust me she wants to know her dad."

Dean scowled out of the windscreen. He could feel Cas's gaze burning into the back of his head.

"Yeah maybe."

AN: Hey all. So still debating whether or not to make this the last chapter of this book. So if it does end up being the end of this one I'll see you in the next book (working title) Carry On Winchester. I might do an epilogue.

Write again soon.


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