Chapter 11 What We Have In Common

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"So you think you've found her?" Hal asked leaning on the counter in the empty diner.

"Not necessarily but I've got a lead. There have been disappearances all over the country of people who have been adopted going missing. Some have shown up dead. A few showed up alive days later or sometimes a few months." Sam said. He spun his laptop around for Jason and Hal to see the article on the screen. "All the reports show smudges of ash left at the crime scenes with no origin and no signs of struggle. Exactly the same as Dani's apartment." Sam watched as their eyes scanned the screen.

"I'm going to go and talk to some of the victims." Sam looked to the others. "It's not necessarily what took Dani but it's the best lead I've got."


Sam adjusted his tie as he climbed out of the Impala. The house in front of him reminded him vaguely of something that you could pick out of a catalogue from the 1950s. Even the hedges had been manicured within an inch of their lives. It was odd to think that at one point in his life Sam had wanted something like this himself. He wrapped his knuckles in the shiny paint of the front door. A woman in her late thirties answered the door. Sam held out his FBI badge.

"Hi, I'm agent Osbourn FBI I just wanted to ask you some questions. Are you Masie Hungham?"

"Uh yes, I am, but I already talked to the police."

"I know but we have to carry out our own investigation."

Masie nodded as she opened the door. She lead Sam into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" She asked gesturing at him with the pot.

Sam nodded pleasantly.

"So, you were taken a few weeks ago?" He asked as she poured the water into the two mugs.

"Yes. I was in a cell for two weeks."

"Do you remember anything about where you were held or do you remember anything about who took you?"

"Not really. I just got really dizzy all of a sudden then I woke up in a cell in what seemed like a rundown old prison or something. A woman was holding us she had um..." Masie swallowed thickly. She looked up at Sam nervously.

"You can tell me Masie."

"Her eyes they were...I don't know."

"Were they black?" 

He took the cup that she offered him. 

"No no," She gave him a funny look. "They were gold like liquid gold the eyries moved. She said her name was Hestia."

Sam squinted in thought as he watched her. He was mentally going over everything he knew about Hestia.

"I know that sounds crazy. The police said it was probably from trauma, my mind making up stuff." She cradled her mug between her hands and took a small sip.

"Trust me I've heard crazier." He offered her a warm smile. "Wait did you say us? There was more of you?"

"Jenifer and David?"


"They were held there with me. They're my biological parents."


"Wasn't that in the report?"

"No, it wasn't. I'm sorry your biological parents were there?" Something registered in Sam's head.

"Yeah, they had been there about a week before me."

"Had you met them before?"

"No, we fingered it out about a week into me being taken."

Dean coming back from the dead and now Dani going missing. Maybe the same thing that took Dean also took Daniella.

"Masie tell me everything you know about who took you. How did you escape?"

"We didn't she let us go?"


"Yeah, she asked us if we wanted to be a family. After everything we'd been through I guess it bonded us so we said yes. Woke up a few hours later in a random field." Masie shivered. "What would have happened had we said no, I guess we'll never know."

"Where was the field?


"What do you think she meant by, the full set?" Dani asked. She had been trying to unscrew some of the screws of her cell door with one of the buttons she pulled off her pyjama top. It was a long shot but she had managed to loosen one of them slightly. Her fingertips had been rubbed raw from trying to turn it with the tiny button.

"Dono," Her neighbour replayed. "What do we have in common that could make us a set?"

"We're hunters but somehow I don't think..." Dani trailed off.

A sense of clarity hit her. Hestia was the goddess of domesticity and family. The man in the cell next to her had lost two years of his life. He had also been there for a month more or less. How long had Castiel said Dean had been missing? No, no there was no way.

"Don't think what?" He called to no reply. "Dani?"

"Nevermind." She said her voice was a little clipped. "I just realised that I never asked you your name. I've told you mine." She forced her voice into a lighter tone though her heart started hammering in her chest the moment the question left her lips. The man on the other side of the wall fell silent for a beat before answering.

"Dean. My name is Dean."


"Yes, wait how do you know that-"

The two were interrupted by the clanging of the hallway door being opened as it had been a day earlier. This time it sounded like more than one pair of footsteps. To her surprise, her cell door was opened. Dani scattered away from the door dropping her button in the process. There in the doorway stood the goddess Hestia she was draped in a coppery golden dress that shimmered as she moved to give the illusion of flames licking up her body. Two towering men stood at either side of her. They stared blankly forward through their deep-set eyes and big blocky four heads. 

Dani's brain flicked to instinct mode. She darted forward directly for Hestia. Just as she was about to make impact one of the large frames stepped in the way. Dani hit him with full force. It felt like slamming into a brick wall. A pair of arms shoved her hard back into the cell. She hit the concrete scraping up the side of her left leg as she slid across the floor. She collided with the wall at the end of the cell. She gasped as the wind was knocked out of her.

"Now that wasn't very nice, and just when I was bringing you some new clothes. How rude." It was that condescending tone again. Dani hated that tone. "And here I thought you were the reasonable one."

"Yeah well, what did you expect kidnapping a Hunter?" Dani coughed out wheezing a little. She clutched her side.

"Hey, don't you touch her!" Dean bellowed from the other cell when he recognised Dani had been hurt in some way.

"Concerned for her, are we? Have you fingered it out yet?" The goddess called to him. Her eyes flashed to Dani. The look must have been apparent on her face. "Oh, she has." Hestia's eyes flashed brighter. "I think that's a new record. The others usually take forever to finger it out."

The goddess made a small gesture to one of her guards. He stepped forward and placed a neatly folded pile of clothes on the floor.

"Get changed darling. You look horrible." Hestia said. The door slammed closed locking it behind her.

AN: Hope you like this part next one should be more interesting. 

Write again soon


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