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I was putting on my lip gloss ,when I heard my mother say "Quickly , They're here." I hurriedly came out of my room , after putting everything back in place and making sure my room looks perfect. I twisted to show my outfit to mom. Then, ran down the stairs.

They're here. He's here. But...
Where is he?

I greeted them all with a big smile,"Heyyy !! How are you all ?!". I grabbed the bag from the car even though Mrs. Chowdhury insisted not to. I looked inside the car, he wasn't there .
I looked around as he had a habit of jumpscaring me...but no signs of him.

She said "Very good , You've grown so much darling".
I gave another appealing smile "Thanks. But...Why didn't he come ?", I couldn't help but ask.
Mr Chowdhury said "He actually decided--" Mrs Chowdhury interrupted, "--to stay home. He's got exams coming up. Why? Aren't we enough?"

The fluttering in my heart suddenly stopped , and turned into a numbing and sad feeling. It's been 2 years since we met...Why would he do this ?

Then I answered "Of course you are! I've been looking forward to meeting you all. Now come on, let's go - Everyone's waiting for the 'Partyy to beginn'." I missed them.

The pandemic was horrific for me. Life before it was so different , so peaceful and happy. Everything was ruined. And to finally get back pieces of that kind of life through people who were so special to me - filled my heart with the warm feeling of joy. Yet, something was missing, someone. It felt like a void in my stomach.

That's when I saw a guy riding a damn hot sports bike. Yeah I loved sports bikes. I wanted to own one one day.
Then , he parked it and opened the front glass of the helmet.

Then , he parked it and opened the front glass of the helmet

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No way. No damnn wayy.
It's him.
I can recognize his eyes any given day.
It had always had that hint of passion and sheer perfection. The brown in his eyes were dark. It could only be seen under the sunrays or if looked at from close enough. As he lifted his helmet , I noticed his hair had grown.
He looked different. Even better.

I was dumbstruck.

He quickly got off the bike and said "Surprise!! What do you think ?!".

I looked back at Mrs. Chowdhury and said, "Am I hallucinating or he's standing in front of me ? Didn't you say he wasn't coming ?! What's happening? I must be--"

"No you aren't. I'm here." he clarified
"And I told her to keep it a secret that I'm coming on my bike today".

I was flabbergasted. "YOUR bike?!"

"Yes !! It's mine !"

"A freaking yF57.NO WAY! It's amazing"

"Thankss !! I can't believe it either."

"Wow....Congratulations !! Now, won't I get a hug ?" I said.
He hugged me. I felt complete.

"I've been waiting so long to show it to you. I knew you'd like it."

"I love it !! You've not even posted it on social media !!"

"That's cuz I wanted to surprise you. And I wanted you to be the first one to have a ride with me on it. Will you?"

"Why's that even a question ? Of course! Let's go"

That's when Mr Chowdhury said "Not now kids, have your lunch first."
Mrs Chowdhury said "Come on let's go."

He tried to take the bags away from my hands to carry them saying "Give em to me." I said "No no , I've got it."
We're both stubborn. He insisted again. And of course he was denied. I carried the bags up myself.

Everyone started greeting my parents. It was a reunion after years. To see them all together , my heart jumped with joy. I loved them all soo much.

So much to say , so many stories to be told , all of which was getting stored up for the past two and a half years.

Then lunch got served.

I was serving everyone the rice from the pot , when he stood up and said "Let me help". And took another bowl and started serving with me.
I am pretty tall. But his height had grown so much , that I had to look up to see in his eyes. We always used to compare our height difference when we were younger.

Mrs Chowdhury said, "You kids have grown soo much, I still remembers the days when you both used to ride the bike."

Father said "Yeah and he crashed into someones parked car headlight and she almost broke her knee".

I remember it All To Well.
The idiot took the blame that day. It was me who did it.

I said "I still have the scar" , while serving the rice.

Mr Chowdhury said, "Now look at you both. Going out into the world."

Mother said "She is obsessed about going on a bike trip to Ladakh."

I said "Of course I am, It's not a normal place --
He said in unison. I gave him a pleased smile. And he returned it.

His smile lines. The adoring and satisfied look in his eyes. I wanted to take a picture of his face at that moment.

Mrs Chowdhury said, "Same with him".

We love the mountains.

They say -- you could never really get enough.

The Chowdhury family had always been with us on almost every trip.

I sat down with my lunch. As did he.

Conversations about past, present and future continued between the families.
And my heart was happy again.

who is he? he's Abeer Chowdhury.

My best friend, my arch nemesis, and, someone who is as fucking passionate as me.


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