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I don't write smut alot so bare with me
Requested by: Anime_Simp6969
It's October 27th, you were going to some stores and were buying candy for the trick or treaters.
You finally came home after buying all that candy knowing your probably gonna eat most of it.

You decided to sit on the couch and watch TV and turn on the news station.
You then saw on the news that there was a Halloween killer that kills on Halloween.

You then sit on the couch eating (food of your choice) hoping that everyone would be alright and that this guy wouldn't kill anyone.

You decided to turn off the TV still feeling worried about going outside.
You decided to walk to boys n grills because it was down the street and you were hungry.
You then enter in boys n grills and see that there is a long line.(the line was wrapping around the building)
You decided to wait it out.
Then one of the workers started walking outside and taking orders
The man then finished taking the other persons orders and then walked up to you. You then thought.

"damn hes hot... "

You said in your mind
He then finally walked up to you and then spoke in his country accent. (stfu he sounds like he has one😡)

"Howdy there cutie! Watcha want to order??? "

You started blushing a bit when he called you cute.
You then would start to stutter a bit when you spoke.

"I-ill t-take a burger combo"

The man would then put your order on the screen and you would pay him in cash and then leave.

You would notice in the cash he gave you back he put his name in phone number on the paper.
You where shocked and also the fact that you were to busy staring at him to notice him writing the number on the paper.

Another worker than gave you your food while you went to sit in the car wondering if you should text the number or not.
You drove home and decided to text the number

Y/N: hey
???: oh Hi!
Y/N: may I ask why you gave me your number?
???: well I noticed ya staring at me while I was taking your order, and I thought ya looked really cute and I thought we could talk more!

You would start to blush randomly while holding the phone.

You decided to start texting again.

Y/N:oh well we can talk, what your name
Bob: names Bob! What's your name cutie?
Y/N:oh my names Y/N! I love how your name sounds Bob!
Bob:well thank ya kind gentleman 🥰.
Bob: do ya wanna meet up on the 30th at a cafe?

(At this point y/n could be getting catfished, mfs dumb asf💀/hj)

You would put down the food and then eating some of the food you got from boys n grills excited to meet bob

(Gay homosexual time skip😍🥺🥰😍😊🥺🥺🥰😊🥺)

It's now October 30th
You start to put on your clothes as you were getting ready to go on a date with Bob at the cafe.
You left your house and saw 3 kids in hats(the hatzgang omg😍) surrounding the 2 kids that wear their Halloween costumes all year long.
You decided to ignore them and hop in your car because you didn't want to get your clothes dirty when you are about to go on a date.
You drove to the cafe and saw Bob sitting there with your favorite drink
(insert the name of your fav drink)

BOB VELSEB SMUT BOOK (REQUESTS OPEN!!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now