Opisites attract (w.a)

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I was walking to the dorms and was excited because after I could see my girlfriend wednesday addams!

after school we said we would do homework together.

anyways as I said I was walking to her dorm when I saw bianca.

"where are you going to your emo girlfriend. Like why are you guys even together your all cheery and she's moody. „

"because we go nice together? „ I say not knowing what else I could say.

"yeah yeah sire shes going go leave you for someone better you know? „

"no she likes me" "Whatever you say I'm just warning you. "

As she left I couldn't help but think 'is wednesday right for me? ' 'do you think she even likes me'

I thought about it before I actually got to her dorm but when i did it was like she saw me and opened the door without me knocking.

"hi y/n." "hi wednesday." I say awfully quiet and I think she noticed.

"what's wrong. „ "what oh nothing„

"I know something's wrong your usally always cheery but your quiet right now."

"oh it's nothing but I have a question"

she hummed in response.

"would you.. leave me for someone with a personality like yours?"

"who said that to you? „ she said slightly raising her tone.

"bianca..- but it's okay it's just a question please answer it. „


"now let's go the homework."

She said I put my head down and quietly said "okay„

she stopped what she was doing and turned around towards me.

"what's wrong now„

"you still didn't answer the question like you meant it so I think that you don't mean that„

I say sadly. I heard her sigh.

"I really mean it. Even though most of the time I don't show it but i really love you. „

when I heard her words I was so happy that she felt the same way.

"I love you too wednesday!„

I want to hug her but remembered she didn't like hugs so I saved it.

she opened her arms.

I quickly fell into her arms savioring this since i know it won't happen again.

"now come on we have to get this finished." she said as she let go.



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