How did they live with these conditions?

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This time I'm not talking about the food this time I'm talking about the conditions you see in the team there's at least two animals that live in the cold one that is half food and at least one that should not be able to breathe in air

Today what I'm asking is how does Captain Barnacles, Peso, The Vegimals and Inkling live in the octopod?

Well according to one of the books Captain's Room is at Arctic temperature which would make sense however it does not save the same for Peso's room which means we do not know the correct temperature of his room which means we do not know if he should be able to survive

As for Inkling even the people in the wiki are knowledge that he can breathe in the Octopod it's just weird how they did it we know that it has air in it because the other Octonauts can breathe but if that's the case then that means that he should be dead already but he's not which means he should be able to breathe on land as well but he can't so how this is work? I honestly do not know I guess cartoon logic but that's not the funniest response

But I don't even know if cartoon magic can explain this since most of the show does follow a bunch of rules of real life

Like talking about running out of air, the fear of being destroyed by a sea creature, dangerous temperatures and even under sea volcanoes which means it does seem like their world act like real life but it doesn't seem to take all of the aspects since they have talking vegetable creatures so maybe it's kind of like SpongeBob where it acts like real life to a degree but then has cartoonish moments but if this is the case then SpongeBob has way more cartoonish moments than Octonauts

Even with that said could that explain all of the real happenings?

Possibly it could and plus the characters do seem to acknowledge that they're being watched just like how the characters do in SpongeBob so maybe they are connected in more ways

And they do acknowledge that there are school buses so there must be human life too and there are garbage patches that appear in the show so someone must be dump in that garbage and we know it's not any of the animals or the Octonauts so it must be a human right?

And someone said that there was World War 1 in Octonauts which could be true since they did say one of the boats they were using is from World War 1 maybe some of that stuff cause some of the weird things in the show but if that's true then that means the other humans ran away to some secret location

We also know that death is possibly a thing since we don't see a lot of the Octonaut parents we only see Peso's mom and Tweak's dad and we do know that extinct creatures from our world are in Octonauts thanks to the Coelacath episode since it showed that creature but it was supposedly extinct

And on top of this all of the creatures are from real life

And so are the locations they just don't show civilization

And if you start thinking that this might be our future it's not because Octonauts first appeared in 2006 which is technically not our future but maybe the show does not follow its timeline but even if it didn't it wouldn't be our future

But hey maybe in the future we might be able to explain all of these weird inconsistencies I mean it could probably just be that they forgot about some aspects of the characters or they just didn't want to put all that stuff into the show either way I hope you enjoyed this and remember this is just me explaining the inconsistencies guess doesn't mean that any of the inconsistencies will be in our future and that the show is in our future

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