Chapter 15: New Girl Now

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"Stop the car, Vicki!"

"I can't stop the car, there's no safe place to pull over..."

"Stop the car right now!"

I'd never felt rage like that before. All of my pain and heartache over the past weeks, and what was he doing? Living it up with some chick, not even bothered one bit by our breakup. There I was at home, crying myself sick night after night, while he was laughing and holding hands with this girl. I wanted to strangle him.

Vicki pulled the car over slowly; too slowly for me. I jumped out before it came to a full stop, followed by River. "Let's get that bitch," she snarled, followed by Sam who came running behind. "No fighting, girls. Keep your dignity!" she yelled. But I was way past dignity. 

Fuelled by pure adrenaline and not even sure what the hell I was going to say, I flew down the sidewalk, my friends following close behind. Suddenly, I was face to face with him, the man I thought would be my husband, give me children and a thriving veterinary practice. He promised me the moon and delivered nothing but shit.

"Who's this?" I snarled. My voice didn't even sound like my own. His eyes were wide with shock and something else. Panic?

"This is Carly," he said, putting his hands up as if I was going to smack him. "Now, calm down Cassie. Don't get emotional."

His words poured gas on an already raging fire. "Excuse me?"

"I'll show you 'emotional,' bitch." River pushed me aside and stood in front of Brandon. He was a full foot taller than her, but looked like he was shaking in his boots.

I put my hand on my loyal friend's shoulder. "It's okay, River. I got this."

"Yeah, who are you, her bodyguard?" Carly squealed. Wrong time to chime in. Nobody talked to River like that.

"Yeah I am, whore. What are you going to do about it?" River turned her attention to the New Girlfriend while I seethed, staring straight into Brandon's eyes. How could he hurt me like this?

Sam, the voice of reason, stepped in. "Now come on, everyone. Let's cool it ok? River, let's go somewhere and let Brandon and Cassie talk."

"I'm going nowhere," Carly said defiantly, clutching Brandon's hand so hard I saw him wince.

"Carly," he said under his breath, but it was too late. It was on.

I shoved her. I'm not proud of myself, but in that moment all my hurt and frustration at Brandon had a point I could focus on and it was her. Carly's eyes registered shock and she went back a few steps, still clinging to Brandon's hand.

What happened next was crazy. 

People love a good fight in my town and suddenly, we were surrounded. "Fight! Fight! Fight!" came the familiar chant. What was this? I was no fighter! I hated fights.

But suddenly, I was in the middle of one. 

Carly finally let go of Brandon's hand only to yank me by the hair backwards. It hurt like a bastard and tears of pain came to my eyes as I struggled to get free. She had an iron grip until River punched her twice in the head. She let go real quick after that, but came around with a smack to the face I wasn't ready for. 

"Stop," Sam was yelling. "People please! Let's talk it out. There's no need for violence!" In the melee, I saw Brandon stumble and crash into Sam, who tumbled to the ground. 

"Bastard," she yelled, scrambling to her feet. She kicked him in the shin and he yelped. 

More people came from out of nowhere and got right in the middle of it, pushing and shoving. "Who are these people?" I said to River.  police car rolled up, lights flashing. Everyone scattered; in the confusion, I couldn't find Sam. My eye hurt. I looked for Carly to give her a crack across the face, but she was long gone. Brandon stood by himself looking lost. 

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