The Cube Queen finally gets her wish

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With The Zero Point and Island digested and The Cube Queen being the victor, nothing was stopping her from destroying the reality. The Queen opened up the portal to The Last Reality, to which hundreds of UFOs came out and fled around the area. The aliens were shocked to see their Queen towering over them, smiling, "What happened to you, Queen?" An alien pilot said, "Oh, let's just say this species was so nice to give me all their power and a light snack." Queen said. "There is still an entire reality to destroy, so let's get to work," Queen said, walking across the water that barely covered her feet. There was nothing but large mountains, which were all quickly destroyed by The Queen's gigantic size.

Just then, a bright white light surrounds The Queen and engulfs her in it. The Queen woke up in a white space where everywhere she looked it was just white space. "Where am I?" The Queen said before spotting multiple small ships. Inside those ships were the last survivors of the digested island, The Seven. "Cube Queen. You have been trapped in The Between for being a threat to all reality and destroying the island and Zero Point."

The Cube Queen growled at the mention of her being trapped in the white void, she tried to attack the small ships but ended up missing and getting blasted with lasers in the face. The Queen's hands and legs began to get tied up with large clear white strings. "That'll stop her." One of the seven members said making The Queen more pissed off than she already is. The Queen closed her eyes, trying to think of a way to get out of this void and destroy The Seven once and for all. The Seven were about to teleport out of the void before something began to happen. In front of The Queen reformed another Zero Point.

"That's impossible! We thought it was gone for good!" One of the seven members said before The Queen looked up, seeing her little gift to destroy reality. The Seven attempted to claim the Zero Point, but The Queen broke the strings holding her and smacked the ship down. The Queen grabbed the little orb and smiled at The Seven, "Now face the wrath of your Queen!!" She yelled before absorbing the clone of the Zero Point, causing the strings that tied her up to be broken.

The void began warping around them as The Queen was growing bigger and bigger. "Your reality is done for!" Queen said as the void began to fade away. The Seven desperately tried to contain The Queen, but it was already too late, and The Queen was becoming way too big to handle. The Queen's growth came to a stop, and all The Queen saw was pure space and numerous planets.

The Queen looked at her body in bliss as she became an unstoppable powerful Goddess, and she has a lot of power coming to her as the tiny Zero Point still had some power left before it breaks open. The Queen looked down and smiled at what she saw, it was the planet of the island that it once called home, now all that inhabits it are Cube Queen's gigantic feet. The Queen lifts her foot and stomps on the planet, creating a crater of magma and rock leaving its place. The planet slowly started to crack and crumble at the sheer weight of The Queen. "Bye Bye little planet~" She giggles as another stomp from her destroys it, leaving The Queen in space.

The Queen started absorbing the Zero Point again giving her more power and more growth, this spurt, however, was much bigger, making The Queen as big as an entire galaxy. The Queen at one of the now tiny galaxies in front of her and started to get a bit curious. She lifted the galaxy up and a bit down on it, causing it to spew out space dust in her mouth, with one swallow the tiny galaxy fell into her stomach. "Yum. I think I have a new craving, hehe" As she looked at all the other tiny galaxies that are in her way.

All of them went down the same and all of them were equally tasty, "Ahhh..." The Queen said in satisfaction as all the galaxies churned and gurgled away. The Queen looks at the Zero Point which was turning into a red glow and decided it was time to end this reality and finally achieve victory.

The Queen slowly lifted the Zero Point allowing it to float, and she surrounded it with both her hands, "This reality is mine." She said before absorbing the Zero Point much, much faster. The Queen exploded in growth, destroying everything that came her way, even the solar system which was engulfed by her body. The Zero Point pulsed and bloomed as it was breaking at an alarming rate, "just a little more power!" The Queen yelled before finally destroying the clone of the Zero Point. All that was in front of The Queen was a single glowing white star. Without any hesitation, The Queen took her out and crushed the white star, finally destroying the reality. "Hehe I Win~" The Queen said before teleporting into a new one to do it all over again with her new-found powers Nothing will stop her from destroying everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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