The Cube Queen obtains the Zero Point

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As the mothership got destroyed, The Cube Queen awoke, falling onto the map and observing her a cube. Mysterious rifts and bubbles were appearing, and numerous cubes were rotating around the map. Weeks later, The Queen made her way to the center of the island and started floating as many people got confused as to what was to happen next.

The Queen would then emerge from the cube and float to the sky and seal herself in a golden orb as the cubes all formed and created the Convergence. Another week later, The Queen grew more powerful and summoned giant monsters with long arms into the island as The Convergence upgraded and turned into a pyramid. The Queen laughs, "This reality will be mine!" while watching The Cube Monsters attack people.

A month later, the people of the island prepared to fight The Queen and get rid of the cube corruption and monsters roaming about. IO's leader, Slone watches underground as she says on a speaker "Remember everyone. Don't. Show. Mercy. The IO will come to aid you at the end of the fight. Good luck." Slone then stops talking and begins to watch the battle from her monitors. The sky turns into a red-orange color as the battle was about to begin. The islanders expected to win the fight just like all the other encounters the island has faced...but this time was much...much different.

The Queen powered up and then shot a laser into the sky causing a giant portal to spawn "Behold! The Last Reality." The Queen says as UFOs began to attack the islanders, but the attacks were worthless as a blue cube made a shield around the islanders to protect them, which made The Queen growl in anger. Just Then, The Zero Point emerges from the ground in front of The Queen. "The Zero Point! Just what I need to destroy this reality!" The Islanders and Slone watched in horror as The Queen began to absorb the Zero Points power, getting bigger and bigger with each passing second. "She's getting too powerful! We must take back control of the Zero Point before she breaks it!" Slone yells as computers beep all over the place.

Everyone imminently started to open fire at the growing Queen, but it did little to nothing to her. "Fools. Your little island and reality is coming to an end." Cube Queen said consuming more of the Zero Points power. Slone sent out her army of IO guards as an emergency to try to take down Cube Queen, "Come on, please work..." Slone said, watching all her IO guards open fire at the Queen. Just like with the islanders, none of the bullets worked on her.

Cube Queen let out a laugh before looking at the Zero Point in her hand. She would then open her mouth and toss the Zero Point in, licking it around before swallowing it, leaving a small-sized bulge in her throat before disappearing into her belly. "Try to get the Zero Point back in there~" she said, giggling as her stomach let out a loud


Which signaled the end was near "Oh, seems my stomach has taken a liking to the Zero Point~" Cube Queen said patting her growling stomach "I'm going to enjoy digesting and absorbing every last bit of that stupid orb~" Cube Queen continued feeling a sense of power and pleasure seeing the islanders and guards panic as they knew she was going to destroy everything.

Inside Cube Queen's stomach, the Zero Point was not doing so hot, being surrounded by stomach walls and a pool of acid at the bottom. The Zero Point started to crack and break as Cube Queen absorbed it more.  Moments later, the Zero Point started to bloom and pulse more as it starts to get weaker. Despite its massive pulses and blooming stage, it only seemed to give its growing goddess indigestion. "Everyone, bow down to your new *𝗕𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗨𝗥𝗥𝗥𝗣𝗣* goddess!" Cube Queen yelled, "Ugh. That orb is giving me indigestion."  She said, looking at her belly. "Just digest al *𝗕𝗨𝗥𝗥𝗣𝗣* ready." Cube Queen said, groaning.

After a few minutes, the Zero Point finally broke and exploded into pieces, only for those pieces to digest in her stomach acid. As it exploded, Cube Queen felt a large power surge. She would then float up and grow at a really fast rate, "THIS FEELS SO AMAZING!! I'M A GODDESS NOW!!" Cube Queen yelled. After the growth spurt, her foot was as big as the entire island "You know...thanks to you guys I became so much more powerful and bigger! I can now destroy universes with a flick of my wrist. So, I thought I would give you an honorary death." Cube Queen would then crouch down and pick up the island off the ground. She would let out a giggle before saying "You should have known I returned" before she devoured the island, loud crunching being heard as she swallowed the last bits of the island. Cube Queen rubbed her belly before teleporting to her ships. Getting ready to destroy another reality.

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