Big, black and beautiful- Melanie De Generez

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Author's Note: I'm so, so, SO sorry that I couldn't post this earlier even though I had really wanted to but as you can tell from this chapter I was sort of at a loss of what to write. I hope you like the chapter but don't be surprised to find any grammatical mistakes. Thanks for reading. Vote and comment especially because I love hearing from you guys. Love you guys :D Oh yeah and spot the Toy Story quote anyone? That there, is a picture of who looks closest to Ms Buckley who was inspired by a teacher I know and love who is from the Caribbean, and I know she probably won't ever read this but: You Inspire me :D Also I would like to thank @cookiemonstaarrrr, @IWearSneakers, @MicroDevil and @PrincessGotyourlove. I love my readers and I don't want those four plus Dani3lla to be lost in the crowd because they're all AWESOME :D Tehehe enjoy


I sighed and added a pout for good measure, this was the fourteenth GQ model I was about to deface, and he's topless! my mind screamed as I drew the first glittery purple circles around each of his winged eyebrows; The winged brows just weren't cutting it for me. I glanced up quickly, not much had changed since the last time I'd checked:

Jasmine was trying to act like she wasn't eyeing Bruno, even though I'd told her that Claire had told me that he doesn't swing that way. Bruno had somehow managed to sneak a pair of some games-consoles onto the bus and was contentedly versing Kieran. Now was it just me or were they a little too close.    I quickly moved on, Claire's mouth hung open and a glint of something invisible and wet hung at the corner of her thick lips.

As if feeling my gaze on her she started awake, wiping her mouth furiously before her brown bloodshot eyes lost focus and she fell asleep again.

Brock, Chase, Hunter and Phillip otherwise known as the "Brawny Bunch" were being loud and obnoxious, as per usual ,tossing horny remarks and wolf whistles my way as soon as they caught me looking. Serena sat beside Holden at the front, her crop of mousy brown hair all I could see. Sighing in boredom I went back to circling the flaws in the one GQ magazine that I had brought with me; and it wasn't even this month's issue...                                                                                  


"My name is Ms. Buckley,"

she asscentuated the way in which she said "buck"; that was the way the black woman introduced herself, she was heavy set and tall which looked nice on her, her eyes were too bulbous almost frog-like, behind her round-framed spectacles and despite her ageless face, her granny clothes made her look ancient. She cleared her throat, as if her voice could ever be drowned out by the bustle of the airport.

Curious eyes swayed in our direction but quickly looked away, as if deep down they knew we were all a bunch of hooligans and if they looked for too long they might catch whatever messed up genes we have. I flipped my hair and threw a dirty look towards the business man who just so happened to be the unfortunate soul to have looked in this direction last.

"Now these officers right 'ere are go'on to be puttin' them tags 'round yer ankles, we go t'ru this e'ery time so I don' want no protests ya here? Now them t'ings there, them like me; they big, they black and they beautiful so reje'ting them is reje'ting Buckley and Buckley don't like be rejected" She removed her glasses letting them dangle from the golden chain around her neck, her light brown eyes flashed over each face in the room finally stopping on mine. They narrowed slightly and she gestured towards the police officers.

"Alright Crew get in line" Why did Holden Carson sounded so frickin' happy? Oh yeah because he didn't have to wear a tracker tag. What did they think I was going to do; Run away to London? I snorted, an ugly thing to do, but the only thing applicable in at such a ridculous notion.

I could even see the headlines now: American Delinquents wreck havoc on an ice-cream truck!

That was more "Crazy Abby's" style not calm and collected moi. I got in the line, behind Jasmine and but in front of Bruno.

Naturally Abigail was the first to get tagged, I watched curiously as she was made to walk through the metal detectors and then was tapped down by a female police officer. I felt a poke at my back, so light there was barely any pressure.

"Psst, Mel. Mel. Mel. M-Mel!"

"What?!" I said my voice throbbing with irritation as I stage whispered back to Bruno.

"I have too mu-much on m-me" he always had had difficulty with speaking coherently when he was so high he might as well be on Mars.

"And what the fuck do you expect me to do about it?" I asked, arching a brow at him.

"Get rid of it!" he shouted; it seemed random, but it wasn't. I sighed in frustration at the stupid game he'd made up.

The last person to say "Get rid of it" had to "get rid of" whatever messed up drugs that Bruno was on, that month, of course this game was only applicable to the "in" crowd which meant that only 9 of us could possibly be picked.

Unlike the rest of them, Bruno and I had started together 9 months ago and he seemed to think it gave us some sort of kinship...hash-tag wrong. The affection I shared for Bruno was similar to the affection I shared to a domestic pet: they were cute when they did what you taught them, but they got boring...quickly.

"Get rid of it!" I said my tone semi-bored and semi-loud.

A stream of "Get rid of it!"s shot through the air, much to the shock of Miss. Buckley and the officers. Mr Carson seemed unfazed, the idiot actually believed it was some sort of "tradition" and thought that we were "bonding" as a class every time we had these moments. What a sad, strange little man.

(Surprise, surprise) Jasmine was the last to say "Get rid of it" and like a good sport she switched places with me. I didn't watch to see where she put the drugs and to be perfectly honest I didn't care. 3 months more and I would be through with this stupid thing, I don't need another 6 more months in this hellhole.

So like the good friend I am I turned a blind eye to her obsession to the homo-social druggy Bruno "Mars" Rees and lifted my foot up to the bench so that the big, black and beautiful tracker could just be another accessory added to the collection that made me look, simply amazing.

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